Chapter 13: Losing Something Precious

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Killua looked at Kenji's facial expression, trying his hardest to read it, but before he could Kenji began to speak.

"So your ass is gay too huh?" Kenji growled, making Killua glare at him.

"The fuck? No I'm not baka." He spat out in response.

"Oh yeah? Well your eyes didn't say so when your ass was checking Gon out." Kenji spat out in response.

Killua felt his heart speed up at the mention of Gon.

This isn't looking good.. Think fast idiot!

"It's not fucking like that! I'm just studying him." Killua finally let out.

Kenji laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, studying his dick size maybe." Kenji said, before gripping Killua by his hair.

Killua glared at the taller boy, not feeling a single ounce of pain.

"I'm gonna tell you this now, so listen up. If you don't kill Gon within a month I will get a refund from you and find someone else to do it. So maybe that will help you understand your priority." Kenji growled.

Killua felt anger course through him.

Who did this weak ass punk think he was?

Killua quickly slid his right foot underneath Kenji's, making the taller boy lose his balance.

"Remember who you're fucking with idiot, I'm a Zoldyck, not one of your shit brained whor-" Killua began to spit out, but was soon pulled on top of Kenji.

"W-What are you doing baka!" Killua stated, wondering what Kenji was doing.

But he soon received his answer when he saw Gon, standing in front of them with a blank facial expression.

"G-Gon it" Killua began to say, but before he could explain the other male began to walk away.

"GON!" Killua called out, trying to go after him, but was yanked back by Kenji.

The damn bastard now had a devilish smirk on his face.

"Now you don't have a choice." He whispered, before releasing Killua.

And just like that, Killua was left on the cold cafeteria floor, not knowing what to do.

Would Gon even listen to me?

Does he find me disgusting now?

Did I just lose my only friend?

Were we even friends in the first place?

Killua felt tears spring their way into his eyes.

He couldn't feel physical pain from anyone else but Illumi, but he sure did feel emotional pain at that exact moment.

I should just go home, I doubt he even wants to see me.

And with that exact thought, Killua grabbed his backpack off the floor and began making his way towards the school's front doors.

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