Chapter 26: Shenanigans

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After peeking around the corner to the front entrance multiple times, Gon finally walked out of the school and towards his house.

How could Leorio not say anything about the situation?

Ugh, Gon you can't blame him for not speaking up when you can't even tell Killua how you feel.

Hell, I don't even think I want to go to the dance anymore.

Once Gon unlocked the door to his house he quickly remembered to fix his face.

If he didn't he was sure that Aunt Mito would bombard him with questions.

"Welcome home Gon, how was school?" Mito called out from the kitchen.

"It was okay, thanks Mito." Gon said, before attempting to speed walk up the stairs.

"Wait, come here." Mito said, with a stern voice.

What is she calling me for?

Oh fuck, I forgot, I was crying.

"Yes?" Gon squeaked out, before backtracking down the steps.

"Why are your eyes swollen?"

Do I li-

"And don't even think about lying to me"

Stop reading my thoughts woman!

"I don't want to talk about it." Gon mumbled.

He couldn't tell Mito that he was in love with a well known assassin.

Speaking of which, how does she not even know who he is?

Either way, if I did try to explain the situation she'd probably ban me from talking to him completely or something.

Aunt Mito sat in silence, staring at Gon's facial expression for a bit before finally speaking.

"What, did Killua kill someone at school or something?" She jokingly said with a small laugh.

Gon raised his eyebrow.

"You knew who he was this entire time?" Gon asked.

"Who could not? He's all over the newspapers." Mito responded.

"And you let me befriend him?!" Gon exclaimed in disbelief.

Aunt Mito laughed before speaking once more.

"I can still change that ya know." She teased.

"No!" Gon said, before running upstairs.

Aunt Mito burst out laughing in response, before shaking her head.

She hoped Gon would be alright and would be able to deal with whatever was bugging him.

Besides, he has an top assassin by his side.

Once Gon was upstairs, he closed his bedroom door before flopping down onto his bed.

Alright Freecss think.

What are you going to do about this homecoming fiasco?

The petty solution would be to go with Leorio, but that's extremely low since I know how much Kurapika likes Leorio.

I could go with someone else from class instead, but that'd be low as well because I'd be stringing someone along.

Alright, how about making Killua regret his decision?

I could go to homecoming and make him not be able to take his eyes off me the entire night.

That sounds good right?

Yeah, I think I'll go with that plan.

Just don't act all bothered and shitty in front of him.

With that in mind, Gon picked up his phone and shot Killua a text.

Gon 🦔: Hey, sorry for acting like an ass earlier today. I just had a lot on my mind.

Killua instantly replied as if he was waiting for him to send a message.

Bakatron 🐁: It's no problem! Everything ok now?

Gon found himself smiling at the text.

At least the white haired boy seemed to really care about him.

He began to type a reply back.

Gon 🦔: Yea, I'm better. What are u up to?

He picked up the remote to his stereo system and began to play his usual playlist as he waited for Killua to reply back.

Well, almost usual.

On the day he got back from camping he added some Kpop Songs onto his list.

Stray Kids Miroh began playing through the speakers when he finally heard his phone vibrate.

Bakatron 🐁: Planning Homecoming arrangements w/ Pika wbu?

Gon squinted at the text for a second.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

It's not like he could just ask him to stop talking about Kurapika.

And I don't think it's him talking about Kurapika that's bothering me..

Pretty sure it's the sudden nickname that's bothering me.

Either way, calm down. You have a plan to execute remember?

With this in mind, Gon began typing back a reply.

Gon 🦔: Oh that's chill. I'm just listening to music ^^

After a few seconds, his phone vibrated with another response.

Bakatron 🐁: It better be Kpop :P And are u going to homecoming?

Gon found himself crack a smile at the first portion of the message.

He shook his head, before typing out another reply.

Gon 🦔: Seems like it's ur lucky day because it is. ^^ And yeah I am can't wait to see u there.

Now Very Nice by Seventeen began to play.

Guess it seems like the world is trying to congratulate me for not being petty.

Just as he thought this, his phone vibrated with another text.

Bakatron 🐁: Oh, with who?

Gon 🦔: I'm not going w/ anyone. A dance isn't fun if ur just limited to one dance partner right? ;)

Gon honestly didn't know where that message came from.

Maybe his pent up emotions were finally getting to him.

Before he could fuck up the conversation even more, he began to type out another response.

Gon 🦔: Haha, jk! Anywhore I'll talk to u tomo. ^^;

Bakatron 🐁: Cya Mr. Playboi

Gon found himself snickering at Killua's message.

As if that's not anything further from the truth.

Gon sighed as he put his phone down to the side and began to take out his textbooks.

He had some homework he had to do that was due tomorrow.

Now let's hope that you don't fuck up on this homework as bad as you fucked up with Killua.

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