Chapter 19: Mistakes Were Made

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Once Killua and Gon arrived back to the car, they quickly began grabbing the rest of their things.

Killua began to grab the cooler, but Gon shook his head at him.

"I got it." Gon said, before picking up the rectangular container.

"I'm not weak ya know, I could've done it myself." Killua mumbled.

"I never said you were." Gon said back, with a wink.

Killua quickly turned his head, trying to cover up the blush on his cheeks but to no avail.

He really looks cute when he blushes.

Gon found himself staring at the white haired male, and quickly snapped out of it.

"Let's get going before it gets dark." Gon said, slamming the trunk shut.

"Alright." Killua said, grabbing the remaining bags that were on the ground and walking back into the opening of the woods.

The two walked in silence for a bit, before Killua finally broke the silence.

"Gon, remember how you got jealous and asked me why Kenji and not you?" He asked, turning his head to look at the taller male.

Gon stopped walking for a moment, before quickly recovering.

"Yeah, why?" He finally asked.

"Well, did you mean it?" Killua asked.

"No." He bluntly said.


Killua felt a pang of sadness go through his body, but he didn't want Gon to see it, so he decided to push those feelings back.

"Oh, okay then, guess I was just seeing things." Killua said, with his best emotionless voice possible.

Gon wasn't stupid to fall for it though.

He could tell Killua was upset, but he didn't know what for.

He can't be upset at me rejecting him so it has to be something else.

The guy is out to kill me after all.

There's no way he likes me, right?

Maybe this is just to get my guard down.

Well it's not going to happen Zoldyck.

And with that thought, Gon turned to look at Killua, a mysterious gleam showing in his eyes.

But what Gon saw wasn't the usual Killua.

It was someone with a cold look in their eyes.

And if looks could kill, Gon would certainly be dead at that moment.

Gon reached out and smacked Killua on the back, before laughing.

"What's wrong with you, you look like you've just seen someone kill your mother." Gon joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

Killua glared at Gon though in return, before finally speaking.

"Don't touch me Freecss." He spat out, before picking up his pace towards the campsite.

"Killua, can you at least tell me what's up?" Gon called out as a last resort.

What's wrong is that I shouldn't even feel like this towards you.

What's wrong is that I shouldn't have fallen so fast.

What's wrong is that I'm stuck here with you during the most shittiest night ever.

Those were the things Killua wanted to say, but what he said instead was something neither of them were expecting.

"What's wrong is that you're a piece of shit Gon Freecss!" He yelled out.

Gon stood there in silence, trying to piece together what was just said.

He had to admit that it hurt him severely, but there just wasn't anything he could do about it at the moment.

So the two just continued what they were doing before.

Which was walking.

After what seemed like forever, they finally arrived at the campsite and began unpacking their stuff in complete silence.

Once everything was done, Killua got up and began to walk off in the opposite direction of where they came.

"Wait, where are you going?" Gon called out.

"I want to clear my mind." Killua stated, before walking into the woods.

Which might have been the biggest mistake of his life.

A/N: Well, it can't get worst from here, right? RIGHT?? Haha, all jokes aside, I hope you all are doing well today. If not, hang in there! Love you all and stay amazing.

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