Chapter 24: Car Ride Home

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The two continued to watch movies until Gon passed out with his arms wrapped around Killua's waist once more.

But this time Killua was wide awake. He felt comfortable in his crush's arms, but he also wanted to remove them for his own petty reasons.

For someone who doesn't like me, you sure do enjoy holding me.

He turned to look at the spiky haired boy with that thought in his mind.

He sighed, before shifting his gaze upwards towards the tent's ceiling.

Isn't homecoming coming up?

Do I even want to go? It's not like I'll have a date anyways.

He sighed once more, before finally coming up with a decision.

Actually yeah, I'll go to show him what he's missing.

And with that thought, Killua finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning the two woke up and began to pack up their stuff to go home.

Gon took care of the tent as Killua took care of the cooking supplies and etc.

"Well, I had fun, did you?" Gon asked with a small smile.

Killua snickered before replying.

"Yeah, except for the part we almost died." He said, before placing a bag on his back.

Gon seemed to think in silence for a moment before also chuckling.

"Yeah, I also forgot about that. Sorry for throwing a knife at you." He said, while also picking up the now dismantled tent.

"It's fine, it happens a lot." Killua said, with a reassuring smile.

The two began to walk back towards Gon's car with their belongings.

Once they reached the car they began to quickly pile everything into the trunk.

"Was that everything?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, we basically used everything else." Killua said.

"Alright, let's go then." Gon said, while unlocking the car door.

The two climbed inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

Killua quietly connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth and began to play Fever by Enhypen.

The icy eyes, that red eyes, breaking me in two, they shake me.

When I stand in front of you who's sitting on a throne, the fire blazes up in me.

What I gotta do, the hot hand, even with it looks for you, I cannot have it.

I can't touch you, never, but I get attracted to you, I want you the more it hurts.

Please stop, please don't, please stop, please don't.

My body burns because of you, my heart is thirsty because of you.

Like a fever, fever, fever, fever, I want to hug you, I want to hug you.

Even with I push you away, it burns in me.

Even when it becomes ashes, the fire sparks again.

Like a fever, fever, fever, I want to suffer from you, I want to suffer from you.

Killua listened to the lyrics of the song, relating to it deeply.

He sighed as he tapped his finger against the car door to the beat.

Gon glanced at him through the rear view mirror with a concerned look.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Hm, yeah I'm okay." Killua answered back.

"Well are you looking forward to going back to school tomorrow?" Gon asked.

Killua raised an eyebrow before laughing.

"What kind of question is that Gon?" He asked.

Gon chuckled before shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, but it's better than sitting in silence." He said.

"Well that's true, but I don't think anyone likes school." Killua replied back.

"Well except for Akihiko." They both said in unison before laughing once more.

"Akihiko seems like the type of person who'd ask for more homework if he could." Killua said, which made Gon laugh even harder.

"Yeah, Akihiko is a... different breed." He said with a slight wheeze.

After a few more jokes about their classmate, the two finally arrived at Gon's house.

The two quickly got out and began to take their things out of the trunk.

"You sure you don't want me to drive you home?" Gon asked for the hundredth time that day.

"No, I'll be fine walking." Killua said with a small smile.

"Uh, alright, text me when you get home okay?" Gon said.

"What are you, my boyfriend?" Killua joked, which made Gon glare at him.

"Okay, okay, fine, sheesh." Killua said, putting his free hand up in defense.

And with that Killua turned around and waved behind him, before making his way up the dirt trail.

"See ya at school tomorrow!" He called out.

"Okay, bye!" Gon replied, watching the white haired boy disappear slowly from his sight.

Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?

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