Chapter 10: Home Bitter Home

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Gon followed right behind Killua, the two soon sitting back down in their designated spots.

"Do you think we should call it a day, or do you think there's anything else for us to jot down?" Killua asked.

Gon put a finger under his chin as if he were deep in thought.

"Uhhhh, let's call it a day, I'm poofed!" He said, before leaning back.

Killua nodded and began placing his notebook and textbook back into his backpack.

He looked over at the clock on Gon's wall, quickly noticing that it was getting late.

"Well, it's getting late so I think I should head home." He said, while picking up his backpack.

Gon pouted at the statement before getting up as well.

"Aww, can't you spend the night here?" He asked.

Killua laughed before shaking his head.

If I did, I'd be putting your life at risk.

"Sorry Gon, maybe next time?" He said, walking downstairs with the spiky haired male following behind him.

"Yeah, next time.." Gon said, sounding defeated.

Killua quickly shook the guilty feeling off before reaching the front door.

"Thanks Mito for the food, it was amazing!" He called out, not realizing that the woman was literally standing behind them.

"Going so soon?" She asked, making Killua turn around quickly.

"Yeah, it's getting late, and my family's probably worried." He said, with a small nod.

"Alright, well come by and visit us again sometime okay?" She asked, with a warm smile.

Geez, guess the bright smile runs in the family.

"Will do! Bye!" He said, before finally turning around to quickly walk out the door.

The white haired boy let out a relieved sigh once he heard the front door close behind him.

He was surprised Mito didn't ask him to stay, but hey, it's not like he was going to question it.

Once he was out of sight from Gon's house, Killua began to take off in a fast sprint.

He soon found a familiar path in the woods, which thankfully led him to his mansion.

He passed by the usual guards and made his way inside.

He was praying to the gods above that Illumi wouldn't be home.

But as always, his prayers never went answered.

"I heard that you received another mission, is that correct?" Illumi asked, appearing out of thin air.

Killua groaned, before rolling his eyes.

"What's it to you?" He growled out, only to be answered by Illumi's hand gripping his hair.

"What's it to me? Well, I don't know, maybe the fact that I received insight that you were at Gon's house?" He spat out, before releasing his grip on Killua's hair to smack him across the face.

Killua felt tears make their way to his eyes, hating himself for being so weak.

"Don't forget your mission. If you do, I'll personally see to it myself." He said, before walking away.

Once Illumi was out of his sight, Killua slowly got off the ground, and silently made his way to his room.

I hate that bastard so much, one day I'll kill him with my bare hands.

And with that exact thought in his mind, Killua climbed into his bed and slowly fell asleep.

A/N: Hello everyone! I'm back! Did you miss me? Haha, sorry for the wait! I literally forgot my account information and finally recovered it. I promise I'll update regularly now so don't worry! Thanks for all the support and comments!

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