Chapter 18: Sharing Songs

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The two quickly set off towards the campsite.

"So, what kind of music do you listen to?" Gon asked.

"Oh, I listen to Kpop, Rock, Heavy Metal, and Hip hop, but I mainly listen to Kpop lately. I can really relate to the meanings behind their songs." Killua said, while looking at his phone.

"Hmm, Kpop huh?" Gon quietly said, while tilting his head to the left.

"You should play me a song." He said, with a bright smile.

Killua quickly turned his head to look outside the window once he saw the bright smile.

He's too cute.

"O-Okay." Killua mumbled, before connecting his phone to Gon's car.

Soon The Boyz "Reveal" began to play through the car speakers.

Yeah, I'm down for your love . .
I see you, I'm trying to approach you, but I'm stopping at another sun.

. . . .

The glow of the shining oars is spreading to cover my heart babe. I'm down, I'm down for your love.

. . . .

The lonely night hides my heart for the greater glory.

. . . .

I'm going to lock myself into this breathtaking darkness for you. I can't stand it any longer.

. . . .

Looking at it from the side, your dreams are coming true, I'm going to keep this distance. .

. . . .

The night when I revealed everything, now look straight at me. .

The song then ended, and Gon smiled brightly as ever.

"If I didn't know better, I would've thought that that was a confession." He joked, before chuckling.

Killua blushed slightly and smacked his arm.

"Baka, you can't even understand what they're saying! But how about you show me one of your songs then!" He exclaimed out of impulse.

Gon laughed at Killua's reaction, but nodded nonetheless.

"Okay, I will." He said, before playing a song on his favorites playlist.

It was Deanz "Dive Too Deep".

I can feel the tension
Another bottle of this wine I'll be up in your space.
Love and affection.
You've got nothing on me no that's not what I need.

. . . .

Baby on another day.
I encourage you to make mistakes but,
Baby I'm just trying to know my break.
And wrap my head around the small things.

. . . .

When you're kissing my neck.
And riding my leg.
And pushing me backwards into your bed.
Baby you are all I need.
But I don't wanna dive too deep.

. . . .

So I'm picking my clothes,
And be on my way.
Leave you a note,
Saying I can't stay.
Baby you are all I need.
But I don't wanna dive too deep.

The song finally ended, and Gon glanced over at Killua, wanting to see his reaction.

"It's a good song, I'll make sure to add it to my playlist." Killua finally stated, before pulling out his phone once more.

After a couple of more songs and jokes between the two, they finally arrived at the campsite.

"We're here!" Gon said, before finally parking the car.

"Finally, I feel like my legs are going to fall off." Killua groaned, before hopping out of the car.

Gon laughed, before shaking his head.

"Oh come on, don't give me that, I've seen you run track during gym." Gon teased.

"That's different, my legs were cramped in there!" Killua whined.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go ahead and find a place to set the tent up." Gon said, before opening the trunk and taking out the tent.

Killua grabbed the sleeping bags and Gon closed the trunk behind him.

"We'll come back for the rest once we finish." He stated, making Killua nod in response.

The two hiked deep into the woods until they found an flat opening.

"This looks secure, what do you think Killua?" Gon asked.

"Hm, I think so too, plus I hear a stream nearby." Killua responded.

"Alright, perfect, we'll camp here then." Gon said, putting the equipment down on the ground.

Gon began to fumble with the buttons of his shirt, quickly unbuttoning them.

Once all of the buttons were successfully unbuttoned, he removed the shirt, as well as the black tank top that was underneath.

Killua's eyes widened once he realized what was happening.

Geez, you've seen him shirtless how many times now, and you still feel thi- I mean embarrassed when you see him?

Gon noticed Killua's reaction and chuckled.

"If you want a closer look, all you have to do is ask." He teased, before stepping closer.

Killua felt a blush appear on his cheeks as he began to panic.

What is with him? He wasn't this confident before!!

Gon suddenly interrupted Killua's thoughts by bursting out into laughter.

"You should see your face, haha, I was just kidding Killua." He said, before walking back over to the equipment on the ground.

He squatted down and began to take it out one by one, assembling it in an orderly fashion.

Soon the tent was up, and behind it stood an impressed Killua.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Killua said, before clapping.

Gon rolled his eyes, before finally responding back.

"Don't make me take it down." He teased, finally getting up from the ground.

Killua snickered as he placed the sleeping bags inside the tent.

"Well I mean if you did, we would just be sleeping in the car tonight. Not like I mind either way." Killua said, before walking into the woods.

Gon shook his head at the white haired male, before following behind him.

"You're something else." He stated.

"Yeah, I know."

A/N: Each song represents something of each character. Whether it's a foreshadowing or etc, I wonder if you guys can figure out exactly what haha. All in all, hope I didn't keep you guys waiting too long, and sorry if this chapter seems rushed ! I promise the next will be better. As always, thank you for supporting! Stay safe!

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