Chapter 2: Information on the target

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The male looked shocked, he probably didn't expect Killua to willingly say yes.

He soon regained his composure and began to tell Killua everything he knew about Gon.

"Well, he is 17, and he's a senior at Masadora High School. Like I said before he's the Basketball Team Captain, he's really strong like I'm pretty sure that man takes steroids! But anyways, he's really nice, like sickening nice. He is single, but I heard he's gay. I don't know if he is though since he didn't confirm it himself. He's really popular, and most girls at our school have a huge crush on him. He's super smart so he has straight A's in class and is the second smartest in school, next to a guy named Kurapika. He lives in this little cottage in Whale Island with his Aunt named Mito. He has 2 friends named Leorio and Kurapika, and that's all I know." He said, blabbering about the boy.

"Oh, really? And if this kid is so great, why do you want me to assassinate him?" Killua asked, looking at the picture once again.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to be the captain of the Basketball Team!" The male said, smirking.

Killua rolled his eyes.

"So this is a case of jealousy, nothing more."

"Well, I'll do my best to eliminate Gon Freecs." He told the male.

"Now, can I have your name and number?" Killua added.

The male nodded.

"Of course, my name is Kenji Akamodo! And my number is 428-8263." He said, making the white haired male in front of him grab a pen and scribble the information down.

"Alright, I'll contact you if I need any more information, or if the job is completed." Killua said, making the male smile widely.

"Great! Thanks so much Killua! See you later!" Kenji said, before walking out of the door.

Killua sank down in his chair and sighed, staring at the beautiful picture.

"Gon Freecs huh? Has a nice ring to it."

A/N: The picture above is of Kenji!

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