Chapter 6: Assigned a Project

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Killua looked out the window of the classroom for a bit, deeply lost in thought until he heard someone call his name.

He looked towards the teacher and noticed that the whole class turned to look at him.

He sighed.

She must want me to introduce myself to the class.

He stood up slowly, stuffing his hands in his pockets with a small sigh.

"Hello everyone my name is Killua Zoldyck, I just transferred here today, but I hope I can manage to make some amazing friends." He said, adding a fake smile towards the end before bowing and sitting down.

Some people clapped, some girls squealed, and others seemed to be frightened for their lives.

Killua on the other hand couldn't care less, as long as Gon didn't hate him.

Wait, what?

Whoa, no Killua! You can't have Gon as a friend, you're going to have to assassinate him!

What am I thinking? I just meant that I want to gain his trust just to stab him in the back, right? Yeah, right!

But poor Killua wasn't so sure anymore.

He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when the teacher began talking.

"Alright class I want all of you to pick your own partners for our upcoming history project. You have 5 minutes, if anyone fails to pick a partner in those 5 minutes I will pair you up myself." She said, before looking at the clock.

"Your 5 minutes start now." She said, before looking back at us.

I slowly get up out of my seat to go ask Gon if he wanted to be my partner, but I see a orange haired girl making her way towards him.

I quickly sped walked to Gon and gave her a don't-you-dare look which made her back off.

I smiled contently before finally standing in front of the spiky haired boy.

"Hey Gon, you wanna be my partner?" I asked, blushing slightly.

Why am I getting so nervous? I'm just asking to be his partner...

Gon suddenly looks up in shock as if I scared him, but smiles once he sees me.

He must've been daydreaming.. I wonder what about.

"You said partners right? I would love to be your partner Killua!" Gon said, cheerfully.

I smile in relief and take the desk next to him before opening up a textbook that was located in the desk.

"Alright, your 5 minutes are up! Does everyone have a partner?" The teacher asked, before carefully looking around.

Everyone nodded their heads in response, hoping that they wouldn't have to be assigned partners.

The teacher then clasped her hands together before speaking again.

"Alright the project is on the Enlightenment Era, you must make a poster board to deliver the information but you can do the project itself on anyone or anything that's happened in the Enlightenment Era." The teacher said, while passing out the rubrics.

Killua generally hated projects when it did come to school, but then again he hated school in general, but maybe Gon would make things better somehow.

The white haired boy turned and began admiring Gon as he read the rubric closely.

Killua was soon caught in a trance and didn't notice Gon looking up at him while calling his name.

Killua... Killua... Killua are you okay?

"Huh yeah, oh shit sorry Gon I-I was just t-thinking.." Killua said, before looking away.

"It's okay! I just wanted to ask if you'd like to come over to my house tonight to work on the project!" Gon said, while smiling.

Killua turned back to look at him and nodded. "Y-Yeah, that sounds good." He said, smiling slightly.

Gon nodded and smiled before speaking once more.

"Alright, it's a date then!"

A/N: Sorry if this seems a bit rushed, I promise the next chapter will be even better!

Living An Assassin's Life (Killugon | Killua x Gon)Where stories live. Discover now