Chapter 14: Explanation

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The next day was the weekend and Killua couldn't stop replaying the previous day's events in his head.

He slowly looked over at his phone and picked it up, scrolling down to Gon and his messages.

He pressed the chat and began typing a message.

Gon, can we talk about what happened?

He quickly deleted the message with a shake of his head.

No, that won't work. . .

Hmm, why don't I use working on the project together as an excuse?

Killua quickly began typing away once more.

Hey Gon, can I come over to work on the project with you?

He waited a minute before pressing send as if he was bracing himself for what could come.

Not too long after Killua heard a ding from his phone.

He quickly grabbed the phone from beside him and read the notification.

Gon 🦔: No.


Killua felt his heart drop at the sight of the message and quickly began typing out another message:

Oh okay, that's fine then. Maybe another time? See you at school.

Sadly he didn't receive a text back, and because of that, he began to burst into tears once more.

How am I gonna fix this?

He tried to come up with an answer for that question all day and night, but he had no avail.

The next couple of days Gon deliberately avoided Killua in school to the point it deeply frustrated the white haired male.

Why the hell is that baka avoiding me? It's not like I did anything wrong in the first place!!

Fuck it, if he won't talk to me I'll just go over to his house. Maybe Aunt Mito will help me.

And with that thought in mind Killua ran through the woods towards Gon's house.

Once he arrived he took out his phone and messaged the spiky haired boy.

Come outside, we need to talk.

His phone soon dinged with a notification.

Killua quickly looked at his phone and read the message.

Gon 🦔: No, there's nothing to talk about.

Killua felt anger course throughout his body as he tried his hardest to refrain from kicking the front door down.

He quickly typed a response.

Baka, you don't even know what happened! Can you please just come down so we can talk?

He saw Gon's text bubble appear and disappear a couple of times before a message finally appeared in it's place.

Gon 🦔: Fine. >:I

Soon he heard the front door unlock and saw Gon step out, looking sort of disheveled.

The two looked at each other in silence, not knowing what to really say before Killua finally spoke up.

"Gon, first off what all did you see that day?" Killua asked.

"I saw you- on top of Kenji." Gon said, mumbling the last part of the statement.

"And you've been avoiding me because of that? Why?" Killua asked.

"Because why Kenji of all people?" Gon said, with a slight edge in his tone.

"What do you mean why Kenji?" Killua asked.

Gon took a step forward and grabbed Killua by his waist, pulling the male closer to him, before speaking once more.

"I mean why Kenji, and not me." Gon said, looking into Killua's eyes.

Killua felt his cheeks heat up at the statement, trying his hardest to read Gon's emotions.

Was he jealous?

Killua reached up and flicked Gon in the forehead, making the other boy release him to rub the spot he flicked him on.

"Ow, what was that for?" Gon said, while rubbing his forehead.

"Baka, because nothing happened between me and Kenji. Kenji did it on purpose. And second of all, no touching me without my permission." Killua stated, while squinting his eyes.

A blush made its way onto Gon's cheeks at Killua's explanation.

"Oh, and sorry." Gon mumbled, sheepishly.

"Yeah, you better be sorry baka! It's not good to assume things." Killua stated, flicking Gon in the forehead again.

"Ow! Stop!" Gon called out before running into the house with Killua following after him.

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