Chapter 5: Outburst

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10 minutes later the bell rang signaling that class was over, making the entire class rise from their seats and rush out the door.

Killua rose up from his seat as well and quickly grabbed his things before walking out of the classroom.

He followed behind Gon, not wanting to lose sight of him as he walked to his next class.

He then remembered that he didn't even know if the spiky haired boy shared the next class with him or not.

He quickly came up with an idea and smirked.

"Yo, Gon!" He called out, causing the shorter male to turn.

"Oh, hey Killua!" Gon said, happily. He quickly walked over to the taller male and smiled.

"So what class do you have next?" Gon asked, curiously.

Killua just handed the shorter male the piece of paper, clearly not wanting to talk at the moment.

Gon took the piece of paper and quickly scanned it. "Yay, we have all of the same classes!" He said, cheerfully.

Killua rolled his eyes at him, not understanding why he was so happy all the time.

"Well, come on! We better get going or we'll be late!" Gon said, grabbing Killua's hand and practically dragging him down the hallway.

Killua couldn't help but blush at the physical contact, but since he was an assassin he quickly and skillfully hid his emotions.

As the two walked down the hallway, Killua couldn't help but notice how everyone was staring at them.

"Um Gon, does everyone normally stare at you like this?" The white haired male asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Gon blinked in confusion before slowly looking around. It seemed as if he didn't even notice that people were staring at them.

"Nope!" Gon said, as they reached their next class.

Killua heard whispering among the crowd when they walked inside the classroom and couldn't help but let irritation build up.

"Could you all stop fucking staring at me? If you got something to say say it to my damn face!" He growled out, angrily.

He stopped himself midway and took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Geez, and yes I'm the Killua Zoldyck, if you got a problem with that then I advise you to go ask your mom and dad to transfer!" He said, rolling his eyes, before pulling down his bottom eyelid.

"BA-KAS!" He said, sticking his tongue out at them.

Gon turned to look at him, clearly surprised and shocked by his outburst just like the rest of the kids in the hallway.

Killua dropped his head towards the ground, coolly stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked inside the classroom.

He was relieved to see that the teacher didn't seem to be in the classroom yet. Mainly because that meant that he wouldn't be getting sent to the principal's office for his outburst.

Gon soon recovered from his state of shock and followed Killua inside the classroom, giggling a bit. He seemed to find Killua's outburst amusing.

Ignoring Gon's giggles, Killua began to look around the classroom at the desks that weren't preoccupied. "So, where do you sit?" Killua asked, curiously.

"I sit in the front because we have assigned seats in this class." Gon explained, making the white haired male disappointed.

Killua frowned at the mention of assigned seats. This meant that he wouldn't be able to get to know more about the spiky haired boy for his mission this period.

Gon noticed Killua looking upset and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey Killua, are you alright?" He asked, concerned about his friend.

Killua blushed and shook Gon's hand off his shoulder. "I'm absolutely fine, now leave me alone and go sit down, class is about to start ba-ka." He said, walking to the back of the classroom and taking a seat in an empty desk chair located in the back row.

"Great, now what am I supposed to do?"

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