Chapter 22: Battle of Emotion

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Killua's eyes widened as he caught the knife in the air.

Is Gon trying to kill me?

He soon received an answer to his question once he spotted Gon running towards him at full speed.

What the hell is going on?

Gon began making jabs at Killua with his fists, but due to Killua being skilled with intense training, none of them connected.

Killua then looked into Gon's eyes and seemed even more shocked.

W-Why do you look like you want to kill me? That y-you despise me?

Killua glanced at Illumi's body that was laying on the dirt path.

This is all your fault isn't it? You brainwashed him didn't you?

Like you get rid of everyone I enjoy being around. . .

Killua finally picked up his fists at that thought, and placed himself into a fighting stance.

I really don't want to do this though.

But this industry is based on the survival of the fittest.

Killua launched himself at Gon, and began throwing punches at any solid opening he could find.

Seeing you in pain is giving me pain, why does it have to end like this?

Killua felt tears spring forward as he began to dodge Gon's punches once more.

"Why are you going easy on me? Haven't you been waiting to kill me this entire time?" Gon finally spat out.

And that's when it clicked.

Killua stood still at that moment, which Gon wasted no time to punch him in the jaw.

"Me, kill you?" Killua asked, while holding his jaw.

"Yes, you fucking murderer." Gon replied back.

Killua rushed up to Gon and grabbed him by his shirt, looking deep into his eyes, enraged by his statement.

"You baka! If I wanted to fucking kill you, I would've fucking done it by now!" Killua yelled out.

"Instead I've been hanging around you, and risking MY life like I'm some sort of pick me girl!" He continued on.

Gon's facial expression finally shifted at the revelation.

Oh shit, so THAT's what he was upset about.

Gon wanted to confess his feelings at that moment, but he knew that it would be shitty timing.

So he just kept quiet.

Killua finally let go of Gon in a huff of annoyance, before walking over to his brother.

He quickly took out the rope he packed in his backpack and began tying Illumi up.

He then reached into his pocket and took out an object that looked like a cologne bottle.

He turned the atomizer and the container then lit up.

He forcefully opened Illumi's eyes and began to speak.

"Once you see this flash, you'll forget about my client Gon Freecss and if you do by chance remember him, you will never think that I have feelings for him." Killua stated, before pressing down the atomizer.

The object flashed an extremely bright light, which lit up the surrounding area, before finally going dark again.

Killua untied Illumi, before looking at Gon, who seemed like he had a million questions he wanted to ask.

"Let's take him into the woods and drop him off there." He said, making the spiky haired male nod.

The two picked up one end of Illumi before making their way towards the woods.

Once they reached the middle of the wooded area, they dropped him off, and made their way back to the campsite.

"Gon about earlier, did you really mean what you said?" Killua asked.

Gon thought about it for a second, and smiled sadly.

I would accept your feelings Killua, but after a shit load of thinking, I realized that I wouldn't want you risking your life for me.

"Yeah, I did."

A/N: Gon, why you always lyinggggg. Anyways, that's the end of the chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it! I also hope you're having a wonderful day today! The next chapter will probably be a chapter where you can submit questions for the characters and also me.

So, see you soon!

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