Chapter 8: Dinner & Notes

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Gon soon noticed that Killua seemed to be out of it and stopped jotting down notes.

"Hey Killua, you know if something's on your mind you can tell me right?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side.

Killua jumped out of his thoughts and turned to look the energetic boy in the eyes.

"Yeah, I know but it's something that I'm not ready to exactly share yet.." He said with a small smile.

"Well probably never..."

Gon nodded his head before smiling. 

"That's okay Killua, I understand! Whenever you're ready!" He said, before picking up his notebook and handing it to Killua.

Killua blinked a couple of times before he realized that he wanted him to read it. 

"Oh, h-here's mine." He said, handing Gon his notebook in return.

The two then sat in silence for a minute reading each others notes before Gon started bursting out laughing.

Killua looked up in confusion, wondering if his notes were stupid or off topic.

"What's so funny?" The white haired male asked while raising his eyebrow.

"It's nothing, it's just we wrote the exact same notes down!" Gon said, smiling brightly.

Killua looked back down at Gon's notes and read it over again.

He was right, they did write the exact same things down.

"Seems like we wasted half our time working separately huh?" Killua asked, smiling a little.

Gon nodded.

"It seems so." He said in agreement. 

Killua looked into Gon's eyes for a bit, suddenly realizing that his eyes were the most beautiful sight in the world.

Just then Mito burst through the door, making Killua quickly look away while blushing.

Mito looked at Killua for a second before looking back at Gon.

She smirked for a bit, before setting two plates filled with fish, rice, and green beans on the table.

"Alright boys! Dinner is served!" Mito says, while giggling.

"I'll be back up shortly with some cans of soda!" She said, before turning around and walking back out the door.

Killua looked up at the one plate left on the counter for a bit, before deciding to get up and take one. 

He then looked over to see Gon already sitting down and began to wonder when did the boy even get up to take a plate.

He shrugged the thought off and sat across from Gon.

"Can you believe that this is the fish that I caught from the lake?" Gon asked, with a proud smile on his face.

"You know how to fish?" Killua asked, curiously.

"Yeah!" Gon said, before pointing towards the fishing pole that was leaning against one of the corners in the room.

"That's pretty cool." Killua said as he bit into a piece of fish.

"You think so? Maybe I can teach you sometime!" Gon suggested.

Killua blushed at the thought of being alone with Gon on a boat.

"Yeah, I think that'd be cool." He said, nodding his head in agreement.

"Alright then how about after school tomorrow?"  Gon asked.

"Sounds good." Killua mumbled.

Just then Mito came back in with two cans of Fanta Orange.

"Here you go boys!" Mito said, sitting the two cans beside them.

"Thank you!" Gon and Killua both said at the same time.

"No problem!" Mito said, chuckling.

She then walked back out the door and closed it behind her. 

After the boys got done eating Aunt Mito told them that they should go ahead and shower once they brought their plates back downstairs.

Gon then grabbed Killua's hand and ran back up the stairs.

"Come on Killua! I got some spare clothes you can wear!" He said, excitedly.

Killua blushed deeply as he followed behind the energetic boy.

It was then that the white haired boy realized something.

"Wait, shower? Does this mean I'd have to get in the same bathtub with Gon?" 

He looked at the spiky haired boy before discovering that there was most likely a problem with this situation.

And a big problem at that.

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