Chapter 21: Fight to the Death

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Gon woke up to something cold being placed against his neck.

He slowly reached for the pocket knife he had underneath his pillow, pretending as if he was stirring in his sleep.

Once his fingers were securely wrapped around the object, he kicked the person off of him, and got off the sleeping bag.

He put his foot down on what seemed to be the person's stomach, before finally speaking.

"I knew you were going to try and kill me tonight Killua, I just didn't think you'd be such a coward to do it while I slep-" He began to say, soon realizing that the person in front of him wasn't Killua once he turned the lamplight on.

Gon blinked in pure confusion.

"Huh, who the hell are you?" He stated.

Illumi chuckled in response.

"Well, how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Illumi Zoldyck. The eldest son of the Zoldyck Family." He stated, before grabbing Gon's leg and making him fall.

"And you are, about to die. Nice to meet you too." He stated, while looking Gon in the eyes.

Illumi's eyes looked like a black and emotionless void.

Gon knew that talking his way out of the situation wasn't going to be an option.

This was going to be a fight to the death.

Killua kept moving around in the net, desperately wanting to get out.

He couldn't let Gon die.

Alright, it's time to stop doing things based on your emotions Killua. Training taught you that it doesn't do anything. Take deep breaths and think.

Killua's eyes glanced around the woods, once more, trying to figure out how to escape from the net that was strung up onto the tree next to him.

Soon his eyes lit up with an idea.

That's it!

Killua stood up inside the net and pushed his hands upward, trying to get the net against the tree branch above him.

Once the two objects touched, he began to rub the net against tree bark, praying that the tree bark would be strong enough to rip the rope.

After a couple of minutes of patience and strong will, the rope finally snapped, and he quickly climbed through the hole of the net.

Once he was free, he quickly took off in the direction he saw his brother walk towards.

Please hold on Gon, I'm coming.

Gon quickly got off the ground and ran outside the tent with Illumi following close behind him.

He took out the pocket knife and held it out towards Illumi.

"Sorry, but I don't plan on dying without a fight." He stated, with a smile.

Illumi then charged at Gon, once again swinging his knife at him.

Gon avoided the attack by using his own knife, trying his hardest to fight off Illumi.

Gon quickly calculated the rate of Illumi's attacks in his mind, trying to figure out when he was going to swing and with how much force.

Once Illumi swung at Gon again, he grabbed his wrist and dropped towards the ground so that he was out of his attack zone, and twisted his wrist.

Illumi shrieked out in pain, dropping the knife onto the ground, which Gon quickly kicked to the side.

"Now that that's gone, let's fight fair and square." He stated, before placing his own pocket knife in his pocket.

Once again Illumi charged at Gon, this time in a fit of rage.

He began swinging his fists at him, which Gon successfully dodged, swinging his foot underneath his leg, making Illumi fall onto the ground once more.

"You think you're so good? I'll show you you little rat!" Illumi hissed out.

He then rushed over to Gon and yanked his hair, once he had his hair in his grasp, he began to punch Gon in the face repeatedly.

Gon chuckled darkly.

"Once again you're playing unfair." Gon said, with a smirk.

No worries though, cheaters never win.

Gon quickly pulled out the pocket knife and sliced through his hair, releasing Illumi's grip.

"Eh, I've been needing to get a haircut anyways." He said, before picking up a stunned Illumi and slamming him into the ground.

Killua soon arrived at the battle scene, watching in awe at how Gon was easily winning against his elder brother.

But he knew it wasn't going to last long once Illumi focused.

"Gon!" Killua called out, making the taller male tense up.

Gon turned to look at him with a look of complete disgust.

He quickly took back out his pocket knife and threw it in the direction where Killua was standing in full force.

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