Chapter 20: Unfair Battle

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Gon sighed heavily as he went inside the tent.

Once he was inside, he collapsed onto his sleeping bag.

"What the hell is up with you Killua?" He mumbled to himself.

Should I even go after him?

No, because he might really try to kill you just to speed up the process.

But all in all, me, a piece of shit? For what? Me not letting him carry the fucking cooler?

How fucking childish.

And with that, Gon slowly turned over and laid stomach down on the sleeping bag.

I'm just gonna sleep it off.

Killua on the other hand was making his way through the woods.

He didn't know where he was going, but he just wanted to be as far away from Gon as possible.

"I fucking hate him." He mumbled.

"Do you now, because it sounds to me like you've fallen in love with the client." A familiar voice said behind him.

Killua tried to turn around to see who it was, but a cold object was pressed to his neck.

His blue eyes slowly looked down to see that it was a knife.


"As if, I could care less if he dropped dead." Killua scoffed, trying to fool his brother.

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind if I killed him to speed up the process right?" Illumi stated with a deep chuckle.

Killua shivered at the sound.

It was filled with pure hatred and evil.

"What- no! It's my client so I should be the one to kill him." Killua argued, but Illumi pressed the knife softly into his skin.

"Oh baby brother, do you honest to god think that I'm a fool? You're deeply infatuated with the client. And you're also a disgrace to the Zoldyck name." He spat in pure disgust.

Fuck fuck fuck. I shouldn't have left Gon alone.

"Oh, but don't worry. I'm sure his shrieks of pain and agony will give you quite a show." Illumi whispered, licking his lips.

"Illumi, I don't love the client-" Killua began to say, before being tossed into a nearby tree by Illumi.

"You're starting to piss me off brother with all of your lying." Illumi growled.

Killua slowly got up off the ground, feeling pain in his left hip.

He quickly began to scan his surroundings, looking for any type of weapon, quickly picking up a thick tree branch.

Illumi began to laugh hysterically at the motion.

"So you think you can beat me brother? Well, bring it on." He said, before charging after him.

Once he reached Killua he began swinging his knife at him frantically.

Killua used the tree branch to block most of the attacks, only missing one which cut his left cheek.

He quickly kicked up a rock and kicked it at Illumi when he was caught off guard, slightly bruising him.

"Well played brother, but let's see how you do without a weapon." Illumi stated, before slashing down with full force against the tree branch.

The tree branch broke in half due to the impact, the knife nearly slicing Killua's hand.

Illumi snickered at this, before continuing to swing his knife at Killua.

Killua continued dodging Illumi's attacks, but he soon stepped into one of Illumi's traps.

He was then lodged up into the air, completely caught in a net.

Fuck, this is bad.

"Now, you sit right here while I go kill your boyfriend Kay?" Illumi said, before walking off into the distance.

"Please don't do this!" Killua called out, frantically moving around in the net, trying to get down.

But his words had no impact on his brother and he was soon out of his sight.

A/N: What?? 2 back to back updates in a day? Are you feeling okay author? Pfft, anything for my readers. Stay amazing!

P.S: Also, Gratz to @foodisbettadendudes and @bungeeeee-gum for guessing what was going to happen. Hhhhh. It was either going to be this route or something else, but I decided this would be more interesting.

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