Questions PT 1

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@YomamaUvU asked:
"How long will this story last?"

That is a really good question, but honestly I don't have an answer for it. I'm hoping that this story is long in length because I'm sure everyone hates good stories that just end in such a quick fashion. (Me)

But, the ideal ending for this story is to be something that can be turned into a sequel. So yeah, I'm looking forward to that, and I hope you guys will too. ^^

@YomamaUvU also asked:
"Will you write about Leorio and Kurapika in this/another story?"

Kurapika and Leorio will show up in this story soon. I have at least planned how I want each character to show up in the storyline.

But I also have a separate book called Educational Purposes that feature the 2 as main characters. (It's lowkey on a hiatus right now though)

Thank you for your questions UvU, I am also doing fine thank you for asking. We had the funeral yesterday, and it was really nice.

@Squid10113 asked:
"Think those two will enter some weird romantic silent moment or sum?"

Uhhh I don't know, only time will tell right? What do you think though Killua and Gon?

Killua: Everything's good for me, what about you Gon?

Gon: Wha- Oh yeah yeah, everything is cool with me too.

Thank you for your question Squid.

@Xx_chibichan_xX asked:
"Why are they idiots?"

Gon: What do you mean by that? I don't think I'm an idiot, do you Killua?

Killua: We're not the idiots, they are baka.

You're not an idiot Chibichan, excuse Killua.

@Xx_chibichan_xX also asked:
"How old are they in this?"

As stated in Chapter 2, they are both 17 years old. But I get why you probably questioned it. It's because of the bath scene correct? Yeah, I didn't really think that one through pffft, my baaad. I'll probably change that in the future publication of the book. ^^

Thank you for your questions Chibi.

That concludes this part of the questions as this was all that was submitted within the time frame! Again, a huge thank you to those who submitted questions. It was fun writing responses to them and also answering them. It not only helps the writing process, but gives me motivation to continue.

With that being said, I'll continue to leave the questions chapter open in case any of you also wish to submit some after this! Thank you all for supporting Living an Assassin's Life and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

- Sugapackets

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