Chapter 29: The Dance

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Gon stared into his mirror deep in thought.

Why am I doing this again?

To get Killua back?

To show him what he's missing?

What even is the point anymore?

Oh right, you're doing this because you're a jealous yet confusing idiot.

Gon sighed in irritation, before running a hand through his hair. His hair was down for once instead of up in spikes.

He didn't really like his hair being in his face, since the feeling irritated him at times, but he did have to admit that it suited him.

I think the main thing that's bothering me is that I feel entitled to dating him. Simply because he had a crush on me before.

But I mean now that I think about it I did reject him a hundred times...

So whatever happens, just deal with it, yeah?

Gon continued to stare in the mirror before adjusting the brown turtleneck he was wearing underneath his dark gray tuxedo jacket.

He put on a fake pair of glasses before calling Leorio once more.

Ayo Gon, you ready?

Yeah, I guess...

What do you mean you guess? You better be ready, since you kind of dragged me into this.

Gon chuckled at that statement. Mainly because he had to admit that Leorio was right.

Yeah, you're right, I apologize Leorio. Thanks for accompanying me tonight. I don't think I'd be able to handle it alone.

Yeah, yeah, just don't do anything stupid. I'll be there around 10.

Gon sighed as he picked up the matching white rose boutonnières off his desk.

He then headed downstairs, and began placing his dress shoes on when Mito decided to pop up with a camera.

"Oh my god, look at my little Gon growing up!" She exclaimed, making Gon groan.

"Mito, we've been over this!" He whined.

"Aw, come on! These moments happen rarely! Besides, you barely go out to dances!" She whined in response.

Gon huffed in annoyance, but nodded in response.

"Alright, fine you can take pictures." He said, before hearing a knock on the door.

Gon went to the door and opened it to see Leorio wearing a dark gray tuxedo as well and contacts.

"Wow, look at you looking all nice." Gon joked, making Leorio punch him in response.

"Hey, my mother said I looked great!" Leorio joked back, before walking inside.

"Hello, Mito, it's nice to see you again." Leorio greeted.

"Same to you Leorio!" Mito cheerfully stated.

Gon handed Leorio the Boutonnière and they quickly went to work on attaching it to their jackets.

Once they were finished, Mito began snapping a bunch of photos. As well as making them pose awkwardly.

About a good hour later, Mito was finally satisfied and the two set off towards the dance.

Once they were there, Leorio and Gon nervously walked towards the building's glass double doors.

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