Chapter 30: Fuck You

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Gon felt anger rush through his body as well as sadness.

He didn't know what he wanted to do more.

Beat the shit out of Kurapika or cry due to him losing Killua.

But he didn't have time to think, because his legs were moving faster than his mind.

And before he knew it, he was yanking Killua off Kurapika and outside the building.

"Hey, let go of me!" Killua hissed.

But Gon couldn't hear anything, he was extremely upset.

He then slammed Killua onto the wall outside.

"What the fuck was that?" Gon yelled, looking into Killua's eyes.

He couldn't hold back the tears that were springing forward in his eyes anymore, and quickly turned his head once he felt them fall.

"What the fuck was wh-?" Killua began to ask, but Gon quickly cut him off.

"Killua don't play fucking dumb with me."

Killua looked up at Gon and sighed.

"The kiss? I mean all it was was what you saw. A kiss. I don't know how to else to explain it." Killua mumbled.

"I don't even know why you care anyways, you've honestly been acting weird all week." Killua added on.

Gon's grip tightened on Killua's shoulders, and Killua winced slightly.

"So you just kiss anyone huh?" He hissed out.

Killua's eyes immediately squinted at the accusation.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean Gon?" Killua spat back out.

"First Kenji and now Kurapika? What's fucking next? Leorio?" Gon asked.

"Why don't you fucking kiss Leorio? Huh? Since he's your ideal guy!" Killua argued back.

Gon turned his head and tilted Killua's head up in anger, so that he was looking into his eyes.

It was then that Killua noticed that he had been crying.

"Because I fucking like you dumb ass!" He yelled.

"Thats why I've been acting weird all week. That's why this shit hurts so bad." Gon added on.

"And I can't do this anymore." Gon whispered, finally letting go of Killua's shoulders.

He stepped back from Killua and turned away.

"I promised Leorio I wouldn't do anything stupid tonight. And I guess I probably already have, but I don't plan on fucking up more. I'm just going to go home." Gon said, before walking away.

Killua ran up to Gon and grabbed his hand.

"Gon wait, there's something I need to tell you." Killua said, finally processing everything.

"Wha-" Gon began to say, but was cut off by Killua pressing his lips against his.

Gon was shocked at the action, but nevertheless responded by kissing the white haired male back.

He had to admit that his lips felt extremely soft and this moment was definitely nothing he could dream about.

It was then that Gon remembered Kurapika and pushed Killua away.

"What about K-" Gon began to say, but Killua quickly cut him off.

"Gon, me and Kurapika don't like each other. We came up with a plan to make you and Leorio jealous and to make you two realize your feelings. Yes the kiss was too far, I admit, but Gon you kept rejecting me everytime I told you how I felt. So it honestly felt like I was talking to a brick wall." Killua said, sheepishly.

Gon sighed. He had to admit that he was being a complete dick to Killua. So he honestly couldn't blame him.

"Well, you almost made me beat the shit out of Kurapika." Gon mumbled.

Killua laughed at the statement.

"I could believe you. And I'm really sorry I made you cry, I didn't mean to do that. And crying doesn't suit that vibrant face of yours." Killua said, with a small smile.

Gon rolled his eyes at that last statement.

"Wow, who would've thought the Killua Zoldyck would be so cheesy." He joked.

"Anyways, Killua, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Gon asked, while looking into his eyes.

"Wow, I thought you'd never ask." Killua joked back, before making the two laugh.

Well, before we leave, can we atleast do one slow dance together?

Sure thing.

Once the two walked back inside they saw Leorio and Kurapika cuddling with another at the refreshments table.

Well I'm glad everything worked out for them too.

Soon a slow yet familiar song began to blare through the speakers.

And just say the word
We'll take on the world
And just say you're hurt
We'll face the worst

Nobody knows you the way that I know you
Look in my eyes I will never desert you
And just say the word
We'll take on the world

And it's the fight
The fight of our lives
You and I we were made to thrive

Killua and Gon began to slow dance to the song, Killua resting his head against Gon's chest.

Their bodies swayed slowly to the beat, before the two leaned in so that their foreheads were resting against each other.

I hope tonight never ends..

A/N: Wow, 30 Chapters in. It's been an extremely long journey. But with all of your support it's been worth it. So thank you all for bearing with my hectic updating schedule PFFT. Hope to see you all within the next chapter very soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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