Chapter 9: Bath Time

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Killua gulped as he tried to quickly come up with an excuse.

"U-Um, I'm fine with just taking a shower alone Mito." Killua stammered out.

Aunt Mito looked at him and he could've sworn the witch smirked for a split second.

"Huh, why is that Killua?" She asked, looking over at him with concern.

Gon looked over at Killua as well with some sort of emotion in his eyes that Killua couldn't quite pinpoint.

Was that disappointment that he saw in Gon's eyes?

He quickly shook it off as nothing, before continuing on with his excuse.

"U-Um, I have anxiety attacks!" Killua lied, nervously biting his lip.

Aunt Mito gave him a look of disbelief but nodded all the less.

"Okay, fine you don't have to bathe together." She said, shrugging as she handed them towels from the closet before going downstairs.

Killua took the towel and followed Gon back into his room deep in thought.

"What if this is my only chance to see Gon naked or even get close to him?" He thought, silently.

He looked at the bathroom door just to catch Gon going inside.

Whatever choice he was going to make he'd have to make it fast because his time was running out.

"W-Wait Gon! I'd like t-to bathe with you!" Killua called out as a deep blush spread across his cheeks.

Gon opened the door to reveal his bare chest and a towel wrapped around his waist.

Killua couldn't help but stare as his imagination ran wild.

"Well get on in here then!" Gon said with that bright smile of his.

Killua nodded before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

Once he got inside he watched Gon get into the bathtub and licked his lips at the sight of his ass.

He quickly turned around and began to remove his own clothes before also getting into the bathtub.

Once they were both inside Killua began to watch Gon bathe himself with his washcloth, before washing himself.

Little did he know that Gon was checking out every detail there was to know about Killua's body himself. 

Gon decided that he would try and make a little small talk to make things less awkward. 

"So are you enjoying school so far?" He asked, beginning to wash the soap off of his body.

Killua looked up at Gon and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What the hell are you seriously asking me questions while we bathe?" He asked, finding the situation somewhat funny.

Gon shrugged and continued to wash himself off. 

"I mean it was better than the silence you were giving me." Gon said, cracking a small smile as well.

Killua thought for a little then shook his head. 

"Well if you wish to know so bad then yes I am enjoying school." He said, smiling back at the spiky haired boy.

Gon chuckled.

"Good, I'm happy to hear that." He said, smirking.

Killua raised an eyebrow at why he was smirking, and was about to question him that exact thing until he was cut off.

"Because I'm pretty sure you didn't notice that you have different classes tomorrow on the back of your schedule." Gon said as he got up from the tub.

Killua's eyes widened as he finally processed the words that were coming out of Gon's mouth.

"Wait there was more on the back?!" He exclaimed, getting up from the bathtub as well.

"Yeah, we have A and B day classes is what the school likes to call it." Gon said, shrugging as if it weren't such a big deal.

"Gon, I didn't read the back and I threw my schedule away!" Killua said, mentally face palming himself.

Gon looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You do know that you can just look at your schedule online right?" Gon said drying himself off before getting dressed.

Killua blushed once he realized that the spiky haired boy was right and that he was overreacting. 

"Then why did you bring that up in the first place like i was screwed, baka!" Killua said, turning his head away from Gon while also getting dressed.

"Because I thought it would be funny to see your reaction." Gon said, laughing slightly.

Killua smacked Gon in the back of the head before walking out of the bathroom.

"Idiot." He mumbled to himself as he went back to where they were discussing notes earlier. 

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