Chapter 7: A Realization

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After what seemed like an entire lifetime, school was finally over, and Killua was standing outside Gon's house.

He honestly didn't know if Gon was serious about the date thing or if he meant it as a study kind of thing, but Killua really didn't really mind either way.

He then nervously looked at Gon before finally examining the house. He really liked it even if others would say it was extremely shabby compared to his house. 

Gon soon noticed that Killua was staring at his house and looked at him. "Sorry that it's not much.." He said, making Killua shake his head in response.

"No, I like it, it's better than my house." He said, shrugging.

Gon giggled and smiled. "Really? I'd like to come to your house sometime then!" He said, before unlocking the door with his spare key.

Killua nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, sure." He said, but in reality he wouldn't dare let Gon come visit him at his house. He would probably get attacked for just stepping foot on the premises and he surely didn't want him to go through the torturing he had been through.

Not that I care about the fact of Gon dying.. I just don't think that he should die a long and painful death, right? Yeah, that's gotta be it!

Killua finally noticed that Gon opened the door and slowly walked inside.

Soon an Orange haired woman appeared.

"Welcome back Gon!" She said, quickly pulling the spiky haired boy into a tight embrace.

"Oooh, you get so much cuter everytime I see you!" She said, basically suffocating the poor boy.

Killua just watched in pure amusement, not wanting to ruin their moment. He simply just assumed that the Orange haired woman was Gon's mother since she was acting like one.

"Ah! Aunt Mito! Stop, you're embarrassing me!" Gon screamed into her chest.

It was then that Mito noticed the white haired boy standing in the doorway.

"Oh, who is this Gon?" She asked. 

She then leaned down into his ear and whispered something that made both of them extremely red.

"Is that your boyfriend?" 

"Gah, no! That's Killua! He's a friend from school, I brought him here to work on a project!" He said, blushing a deep shade of red.

Mito just giggled loving both of their facial expressions. She nodded and straightened herself up before speaking once more. "Well you two go head upstairs, I'll go ahead and start making dinner." She said, before walking into the kitchen.

"Okay, come on Killua!" Gon said, before taking Killua's hand and dragging him upstairs.

Soon they entered a room that looked pretty much ordinary for a boy his age.

It consisted of a large square rug, a bed, a TV, a desk, a dresser, a closet and a game system.

Killua sat down on the floor before taking his backpack off and setting it down beside him, Gon doing the same.

"Alright first things first! What do you want to do our project on?" Gon asked with a bright smile on his face.

Killua looked startled since he wasn't expecting Gon to let him choose. 

"Um, let's see.." Killua said, before looking at the list of topics the teacher gave them before class let out.

"How about John Locke?" Killua asked, finding the name to be interesting.

"Okay!" Gon said, before opening up his textbook.

Killua did the same and the two began to make bullet points on the topic that they thought seemed interesting.

Soon one saying by Locke caught Killua's eye, mainly because it related to his life.

 "Natural rights such as life, liberty, and property existed in the state of nature and could never be taken away or even voluntarily given up by individual, and if they are taken away one should revolt."

He then thought about how his family treated him. 

He never wanted to become an assassin, he actually wanted to live a normal life like every other teenage boy or girl, but instead he was forced to become one. He originally had no say in it, but this quote by Locke made him remember that he wasn't a puppet that could be controlled by a master. It made him remember that he was his own person, and that he wasn't going to let his stupid family brainwash him any further. From then on he was going to revolt even if it would cost him his life.

He then looked over at Gon who seemed to still be writing down bullet points.

And at that moment his decision was finally clear.

He was not going to assassinate Gon Freecs.

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