Chapter 17: Camping

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The next morning came before the two knew it, and they quickly began starting their day.

Bakatron 🐁: Good morning.

Gon 🦔: Morning !

Bakatron 🐁: You excited to go camping?

Gon 🦔: Of course I am, I'm the one who suggested it after all :P

Bakatron 🐁: True, do you know what you're going to pack?

Gon 🦔: I'll bring the actual tent supplies and sleeping bags. You wanna bring the snacks? I could also bring a portable stove. So if you wanna also bring ramen or something, that's cool too. We also might be able to go swimming so bring a pair of swimming trunks! ^^

Bakatron 🐁: Alright, I'll do that and bring some drinks as well. What would you like? I'll also bring some s'more stuff too. Maybe a pocket knife too?

Gon felt his heart drop at the word pocket knife. He quickly tried to reassure himself that it was just for safety purposes and not to stab him.

Gon 🦔: Ah yeah! That sounds good. Don't forget your toothbrush! I'll be bringing water along! And a first aid kit for ya know safety purposes ^^;

Bakatron 🐁: Can't wait to watch you put up the tent. I'll be having high expectations noob.

Gon 🦔: Gah! Maybe I should make you put up the tent >:I

Bakatron 🐁: Guess we'll be sleeping outside on the ground then.

Gon 🦔: Exactly so shush.

Bakatron 🐁: Aiya, don't get your boxers in a twist. Anywhore, you didn't tell me what kind of drink you wanted.

Gon 🦔: Orange juice! I'll also bring some choco robos for you!

Bakatron 🐁: How'd you know I liked them?

Gon 🦔: Oh come on, you literally eat one everyday for lunch. How could I not notice? o.o

Bakatron 🐁: Geez, I didn't know you paid that much attention to me.

Gon 🦔: I DON'T!!

Bakatron 🐁: Uh huh. Anyways, I'm going to head to the store, see you tonight.

Gon 🦔: Okay baii!

Gon smiled at the text messages the two exchanged, before finally putting his phone away.

"Alright, let's get to packing!" He said, before bouncing off the bed.

After a good 30 minutes, Gon finished packing and was standing at his closet, trying to figure out what to wear.

"Uhhh, I know it's just camping, but I still want to look good." He mumbled to himself, while going through his clothes.

No, too fancy.

No, too ew.

No, why do I even have this??

No, too much.


Gon settled on a white button up shirt with a black tank top underneath, black shorts, and white/black sneakers. He'd also wear a black cap with the outfit.

Once he set his outfit down on his bed, he turned to look at his bedroom clock.

"It took me that long to pick out an outfit?? Killua is going to be here soon!" He exclaimed.

He quickly began changing his clothes and went downstairs afterwards to wait.

Not too long after, someone began knocking on the front door.

Gon excitedly opened the door to find his white haired friend standing there.

"Is this uhhh too much?" Killua asked, referencing to the bags he had in his hand.

Gon chuckled and shook his head, "no not at all".

"Also, you look nice." Killua said, completely catching Gon off guard.

"Wha- oh! Thanks!" Gon replied with a bright smile.

"No problem, should we get going?" Killua asked.

Gon nodded, before turning back towards the door.

"Aunt Mito! Me and Killua are going camping now!" Gon called out.

"Okay, use protection!" She shouted back, catching both of them off guard.

"WHA? Who said we were going to-" Gon began to say, but was interrupted by Killua pulling him towards his car.

"You have your keys right?" Killua asked.

"Yeah." Gon said, before popping open his trunk.

Him and Killua quickly got to work, putting their stuff into the trunk.

"Alright, let's go!" Gon said, slamming the trunk door closed, before climbing inside the car.

Nothing's going to ruin our special day today!

Or so, I thought. . .

A/N: Wow, two updates in one day? What's going on? PFFT, all jokes aside I'm going to spoil you guys for a bit with a bunch of updates since I've been inactive a lot recently. Hope you all are doing well !

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