Part 5

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Phoenix's pov

"Just tell me who the fuck you are and I won't shoot" his shaky hands gripped the gun that was pointed at me as though it was his lifeline.

And so here we are. Halfway through phase 4.

"Love I'd like to see you try, i could kill you before your bony fingers could even start to press the trigger but go on, give it your best shot" i egged him on confusing the fuck out of him,

"Although you should try holding it like this" i posed as an example "i find that this form works best, it's easier on the arms"

"J-just tell me wha-at you wa-ant is it mo-oney"

"Honey, i have around 40 bank accounts with millions in each, i could buy everything you've ever owned probably 100 times"

"My se-ecurity team wi-ill be here, ho-ow did you fi-ind me they promised you wouldn't " he was full on shaking in front of me.

Gotcha motherfucker

I mock pouted "aw shame isn't it" walking up to him i snatched the gun out of hand and pistol whipped him to knock him unconscious for a few minutes so that i could drag him to the bathroom.

Making it to the chosen destination i filled the bath with cold water and leaned him against it tying him up so he wouldn't be able to move.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey sunshine" i slapped his cheeks with a random bar of soap i found in some fancy ass soap bowl of sorts.

Fucking rich people i swear.

"You bitch" he groaned out

And that was when he knew he fucked up

I clicked my tongue and gripped his hair from the back forcing his head backwards and looking at me "you know I would watch your mouth if I were you, the last person who spoke to me in such a manner lost more then there tongue" pausing for dramatic effect "That's strike one"

Shoving his head under water for 10 seconds i pulled him out as he spluttered and chocked.

He attempted to talk but i interrupted him "now, I'm sure you've learnt who's in charge here hm. I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them truthfully"

"Question one. I want the name of the people who told you to pay me to steal the file"

He looked shocked at that, i could see his whole body freeze up from fear.

I waited a few minutes "not an answer sweetheart strike 2" i ducked his head under water for 11 seconds and watched as he struggled "to be honest I never understand people like you, you were just a pawn in there game you know, so before you even try too dont play games with me, dont ever think your capable of that" i lifted his head up giving him some time to collect himself.

"A2 you have around 7 minutes to be out of there" A3 spoke through my earpiece.

"Question one again let's hope this time your not stupid enough to make the same mistake. I want the name of the people who told you to pay me to steal your file and set me up" i demanded.

"Okay okay, the-ey didn't te-ell me they didn't uh tell me what the-re names were i-i they just told me to tell yo-o its soon, if yo-yo ever visited me, thats it i swear" he managed to get out.

"They. How many people is they, how do they look"

"Four minutes left A2" i heard once mor through my earpiece.

"The-ere was four of them, the-e leader was a-a boy and i-i think hi-s sister and tw-wo guards, they had gu-uns, both of the-e leade-ears ha-ad bla-ack hair like yo-ou and the-e gi-irl had lots of tattoos with hazel eyes"

"I swear to god if i find out you lied to me or left something out ill make you suffer in ways your pathetic mind can't even comprehend" i lifted him out the tub and left him on the floor, cutting the bounds on his wrists freeing him.

"You're crazy" he muttered in disbelief.

"Sweetie, I'm fucking insane, i'll see you soon unless you die of course which is probably more likely" and with that i walked out.

"That was fucking awesome" Persephone gushed

"Yeah like the head dunking 10/10 would recommend using it again, if i knew it would be that effective i would have started using that ages ago" Eli whistled.

"Nah using fire always works best trust me"

"Oh my goddess Amren give us a break, the fire stuff didnt work as well last time and you know it" Seph complained and i smiled at this shaking my head.

"She has a point and you know it" Alek laughed.

"Uh excuse me when was this last time your talking about" Elijah asked in disbelief.

"What? What are you talking about are you asking me? Well I don't know who Seph is sorry" she pretended to die in her seat.

Sometimes you get a bunch of misfits and misunderstood teens together and you get a family. Sometimes you get a bunch of assholes.

"Well are we going to get a celebratory meal right now or.." Amren asked as he was the one driving the car.

i groaned "I've got to get back to the house before my family go ballistic"

"Awww does lil Nixie want to have some family time, are you going to miss us, your besties" Eli fake pouted and reached onto the front seat to try and pinch my cheeks before a fake hand shot out the console and slapped him in the face.

"Ouch what the frickity frack, Sephyyyy why would you build that there"

"Hah serves you right for that time you guys went on that heist without me" she started doing some weird ass dance.

"Karmas a bitch Eli you definitely deserved that" Aleksander mocked getting slapped in the face.

Dropping me off at a grocery store near my house they drove off and I entered. I was looking for ice cream and apple pie.

Looking through the freezer I was also craving cookie dough I've cream so I grabbed three of them and one hazel nut which was the last one left of that flavour.

So far I had bought a pack of pads and tampons, chocolate, a bone for Doja, some weird bar thing this old lady told me tasted nice in the cereal isle and now the ice cream.

"Uh excuse me you wouldn't happen to know where I could find any hazelnut ice cream would you" an all too familiar voice asks.

I turn around my face void of expression as I met those intense brown eyes once more.

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