"Last I checked it was in isle fuck off row seven" I smirked and continued walking to the check out holding my basket.
He walked in tune with me whistling a random song.
He was wearing a red sweater with white Roman numerals printed on it, a white collar shirt underneath with black jeans and a white leather jacket. He had white expensive ass trainers with red bottoms and and his thick fingers were clad with rings. His quite curly hair was in a messy ruffle and to top it off he had a few chains around his neck.
He was hot as fuck.
"Done checking me out darling" winking at me and adding a pack of skittles to my basket.
"dOnE ChRckINg mE ouT DaRliNg, so we're just going to act like you weren't checking me out five minutes before you came to speak to me" I fired back raising a challenging eyebrow.
Waiting in the line for a slow lady to finish paying I started putting my stuff on the conveyor belt.
He stood in close proximity next to me as the old lady started scanning our stuff "figured anything out yet love" he was referring to when I was set up.
Noticing the worker was listening into our conversation I decided to embarrass him "hm sorry love if you mean figure out that you cheated on me then yes I did"
The lady looked very invested in our drama and he noticed this.
"Listen I was going to tell you-"
"Yeah well maybe you should have thought about it before you cheated on me with my mom" the old lady gasped at this and started taking her time to put my shopping in the bag.
"Well she's my mom too" he mock defended himself and the poor worker looked like she was about to pass out.
I was about to pay with my card before he slyly used his to pay for it. Picking the bags up he gave the lady a sarcastic grin "you know what they say siblings by chance lovers by choice I don't understand why she's angry though" and with that he put his arm around my shoulder and we walked out.
I walked a few feet away from the supermarket exit and stopped. Pushing him up against the wall I stared him in the eyes menacingly "any reason for this wonderful visit"
He smirked and his eyes fluttered around my face before they met my eyes once more "your not going to kill me in a store parking lot with no weapon"
I mock pouted "haven't you heard... I don't need a weapon to kill someone" I paused for dramatic effect before I spun him around his chest against the wall and put my lips to his ear, copying what he did last time, my hot breath fanning his ear "killing people in store parking lots are trendy now perhaps you need to start keeping up with the times"
I let him go before I spun on my heal and walked out the parking lot with my bags of shopping before a huge explosion went off and I was thrown harshly against the concrete floor, passing out.
Waking up groggily i tried to fathom my surroundings. During situations like these it's crucial to use your five senses. What could you hear, see, smell, touch and taste.
Assessing my surroundings with a hazy vision i realised i was in a cell of sorts. There is something disturbing about the cell I'm in. It's been engineered with absolute precision. It was barely six feet by four, a room of concrete, one way in, no windows a camera in the corner. In here you have no idea of how much time had passed or even if it was night or day. It was totally disorientating by design, given enough time a person could forget their own name in here, the isolation was total and the stimulation was zero. No sound no light, no furniture, all i could do was feel the cool, stained walls, but even they were smooth.
24 hours past and yes i was counting. I sat there the whole time with only my poisoned mind to entertain me, the camera watching my every breath. I wondered when i would be fed or at least be able to see another human.
I also really needed to change my pad and shower. I felt so fucking disgusting.
My mind was starting play tricks on itself and i was seeing horrible visions of the past and my mind conjuring up possible future visions.
"Come on nixie I'm ready to go" Lily begged tugging at my sleeved, "yeah nix come on quickly" young Astraea giggled at my 7 year old self.
"NO! NO! Elijah get the stitches ELIJAH quick she ha-as to make it please" i screamed down the phone to him , tears ran down my face as i watched my best friend bleed out in front of me. Everything was blurring together and I felt like passing out any given moment.
"You have to let me go, I'm ready to go" her week voice muttered as blood pooled at her lips.
She always did say her favourite colour was red.
"Why why di-id you do it" i watched as her eyes began to flutter close and her pulse weakened.
"Just stop" i groaned.
"It's okay, i-im always going to be with you, watching over you yeah I'll finally be happy"
I gripped my hair with my fingers and shut my eyes tightly, trying to remove the pictures that were engraved into my brain.
"Why didn't you notice" Lily screamed at me "I'm dead now and its too late there's nothing you can do, YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME!"
"Im sorry, I'm so sorry" i refused to let any tears fall, i knew it wasn't real but that didn't top it from hurting.
"Remember me? Remember what you did to me" a 20 year old man who's face I would never forget spoke
The door of the room slammed open making shake with a jolt.
I ignored him and didn't move an inch, feeling him coming closer.
"I said get up you little bitch!" He kicked me in the ribs and leaned down to handcuff my hands and chain my legs.
"Try anything and you'll be killed bitch" he hissed "try taking some breath mints or even brushing your teeth or ill die from that first" i sarcastically grinned."He was right you do have a mouth on you" before he tried to pistol whip me, I saw it coming and grabbed the gun pistol whipping him.
This was too easy, somethings up, its never this easy.
"Serves you right, now who's the bitch" i muttered stepping over his body but not before i give him a hard kick in the ribs as payback and headed out the room.
I started to walk down the long, creepy corridor before a bloody, small figure ran up to me shaking "yo-ou you have t-to help me please" she gripped my arms like it was her lifeline. She seemed 11 or 12 and extremely thin and frail, her clothes were shredded, dirty and bloody and her head was half shaved. She had cuts spread all over her face.
"This hallway where does it lead" i pointed to the opposite way she came from.
"Nowhere good"
"How would you know" i looked into her green eyes that had a sliver of hope in.
"They took me down there look ple-ease I'll do anything-"
The sound of running made her pause, her body began to visibly shake and tears gathered in her eyes. She was showing many signs of ptsd and it was clear she's been tortured. I was about to speak until gas started filling the hallways coming down from the ceiling i caught her in my arms as i fell down on the floor my back slumped against the wall.
She leaned her head back on my chest and gripped one of my hands. I wrapped one around her waist as she whimpered in fear "i don't want them to hurt me again" "i know, I know baby I'm going to do everything i can to help you yeah"
And with that we welcomed darkness with open arms.

How I Survived
مغامرةBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...