Part 4

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1 week later

Looking over the building layout once more i took a mental screenshot and made sure i was heavily armed. Fixing my earpiece into my ear i headed to the toilet to put a pad on because i could just feel flo flo coming. She wasn't even invited until next week so thats a bummer.

I also made sure to feed Doja and fill his water up.

"A1 mic check, i repeat A1 mic check are you there" A3 (Aleksander) spoke through the earpiece.

"Here, i can hear you loud and clear sweet pea" Elijah responded.

"A2 mic check, i repeat A2 mic check are you there"

"I'm here loud and clear" i muttered washing my hands and taking a pill to help with any forthcoming period cramps, those hurt like a bitch.

"A4 mic check, i repeat A4 mic check are you there"

"I'm here, everything's good on my end" you could hear the crackling of fire on Amrens end.

"Uhh A4 you good over there" Seph giggled, too used to rens antics.

"No talking during mic checks you fucking dumbass!" Aleksanders pissed off voice spoke through the earpiece.

"Now lets carry on A5 mic check, i repeat A5 mic check"

"I'm here babes dont worry"

And with that we were ready.

The politician who we were paying a visit to name is John. He had minimal security and maids around his house, all of them holding a card which would allow access inside and outside the house. I honesty never understand why rich people have maids to be honest.

Anyways, I needed at least 10 minutes alone with this guy so the plan was in 5 phases.

Phase one was for A1 (Elijah) to distract the front house guards as A5 (Persephone) dresses as a maid and swipes one of the house cards and sends it through a virtual scanner which immediately gets sent to Aleksanders laptop.

Phase two begins which is when he would then send it to a device that Persephone made which would print a replica of the card of which i would be carrying.

Phase four. I would enter the house through a front window and depending on what room he's in which I would get from aleksander since he would have hacked the mansions security camera frame, i would enter and scare him a bit.

Whilst giving him a scare I'm going to plant listening devices around the room as (phase 5) Seph plants as many as she can around the house.

So time to get to action.

That was cringey as fuck i really need to stop.

Astraea's pov

"It's my turn to go" my five year old self begged Nyx to have a go at painting.
"Okay fine here pick a colour" "oh!oh! I know hazel and green" i giggled excitedly choosing the colour of my sisters eyes. They were so pretty.
"Okay one sec" she muttered standing on her tip toes to reach onto the counter and trying to reach the paint.
"Hey are you guys painting without me" the third musketeer Aries asked peeking onto the kitchen, he had just fished one of his guitar lessons.
"Yeah!yeah! Nyx said I can't paint anything" i loved painting with Nyx she always says my work looks beautiful even if it isn't.

Sitting at the kitchen table with Aries and the rest of our family except for Phoenix.

"You have to tell her before its too-" i paused talking as i heard Phoenix start to walk down the stairs Doja following behind her probably not wanting her to go.

Her and that dog seemed to have some sort of a connection, I remember her just bringing him home one day when we were 7.

"Are you heading out" Alistair asked as she stared to walk to the door.

"No i just like to dress up and walked to the door for no reason" she spoke sarcastically. To be honest sometimes I don't even think she notices she says things like that.

"Um yeah I'm heading out ill be back soon" she muttered tying her laces.

"Can you go to the store and get me apple pie when your done" Aries pouted

"Oooh and can you get me hazelnut ice cream" Silas begged.

With a quick nod and a kiss to Dojas head she left the house.

I swear she gives all her affection to that dog.

Me and Aries both know that there is so much more to our sister then what it seems. She's pretended her whole life that us being sent away hasn't affected her. She's been here for me and Aries when we needed someone to talk to or even just to reassure us that we're not alone.

She is both hellfire and holy water. And the flavour you taste depends on how you treat her. She's manipulative and a genius, she would stop at nothing to get what she wants.

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