"I think we need to have proper chat"
I was sat back in the living room at the house. The whole family was here Lucien, Rowena, Leonardo, Alistair, Raidan, Silas, Aries, Astraea and Doja.
It's morning now and i got the stab wound on my leg treated when we arrived last night and took a must needed hot shower. I know they probably have so much questions for me but the thing is that i needed answers too. I needed time to process everything that had happened because if I didn't I would end up blowing up.
I passed a message onto the forensics team last night to enter Rose's prints into the system and find any family, along with any dna that was left of the mansion we were taken to.
I was trying to piece everything together starting with how they knew where i was. Apparently the explosion that went off at the grocery store was a specific type of bomb that takes hours to set up and can't be moved once its set up, meaning whoever was behind it knew i would be going to that exact shop. It has to be made with the upmost precision leading me to believe that whoever did it was either a professional or had a professional working for them.
They used a chemical called Ken gas which is extremely rare and hard to get your hands on, the only place you could get it is on the black market and goes for millions for even one small canister. You would need approximately 4 canisters for an explosion like that and transactions like that don't go unnoticed.
Why would someone spend all that money on that specific gas? It didn't make sense.
I decided i would get in touch with Aleksander and see if he can get in touch with some people to find out the supplier and see if we can get a name.
Doing shit like that is extremely dangerous and if your not careful you could end up on hit lists that you wouldn't stand a chance at surviving.
Anyways back to the topic at hand with me being in the sitting room, i was receiving curious looks and looks of pity. I'm guessing they saw Rose's body being taken by the medics last night.
Doja came and sat on my lap as i stroked her chubby cheeks "i don't have many answers for you guys right now" i muttered truthfully.
Alistair scoffed at that "you expect us to just believe that, this isn't the first time we've seen you all bloody so don't even try acting like it, we just found out you were captured and god knows what happened in that house for it to have ended up on fire and crumbling with the body of a dead 10 year old beaten up girl and you expected us to believe that you have no answers"
Out of all of the four older boys Alistair had the most trouble controlling his anger. Leonardo was the most calmed and composed hence why i called him last night, Alistair had his anger, Raidan had sports as his outlet and Silas had reading.
"He has a point" Astraea piped up "you owe us some truth of what's going on, whatever it is your involved in has been going on for ages hasn't it?" She questioned knowingly.
I really didn't have time for this shit. I still had to decode the file and find out what's in the usb, find out who was behind the explosion and my kidnapping and what they want with me although i had no doubt that they were connected, find the parents of Rose and realise how Nikolai fits into all this. First he wanted the usb and folder but i could tell if he really wanted it he would ave put up more of a fight, then he was kidnapped with me and helped me escape but he was also at the grocery store with me and that couldn't have been a coincidence.
When that politician said the people who hired him said 'soon' was he referring to this?
"So..." Rowena looked at me expectantly.

How I Survived
AdventureBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...