Part 29

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Is it me or is the wall the ceiling ?

How come our noses run but our feet smell ?

If two mind readers read each others mind who's mind are they reading ?

Is the s or c silent in the word scent ?

That is a perfect example of my thoughts these past two days as I danced around to music painted and got drunk.

I'm officially 17 years old and two days.

What a happy fucking birthday I've had

I was to busy drinking straight from the bottle and out of my mind to notice someone open the door and come towards where I was leaning back against the wall.

"Are you sober" mysterious person spoke tilting there head and somehow walking on the ceiling towards me

"I-I'm moderately functional" i hiccuped halfway through giggling at how weird the stranger looked

"I'll take that as a no you look like shit"

"Where are my glasses" i pouted, everything was so blurry

"You don't wear glasses love, you've certainly had your fun" I think his eyes scanned over the room but I was too busy noticing how pretty they are

"I hate you" I told him as gently picked me up and carried me to the bathroom

"I-I hate you so much" and it was true

"And why is that love" I think he said laying me in the bath tub

"You make me feel" i croaked out my throat scratchy from all the drinking

"You make me feel and I hate it" he turned the cold shower on as I sat there under it un-reacting

He stayed silent making sure I was covered in water to try and sober me up.

Starting to feel more like myself he noticed and got me a towel off the shelf, wrapping it around me and sitting me down on top of the top of the toilet seat lid.

For once I just let someone take care of me.

"Do you ever just feel like your living but your not alive" i mumbled extremely tired my head lolling back and before I know it I'm out like a light.

Groaning I twist and turn in an extremely comfortable bed which I know for sure I didn't fall asleep on.

I couldn't remember anything except checking into that hotel and that's all.

My fingers gripped at my hair as a strong hangover headache started to form.

The intoxicating smell of the bedsheets was all two familiar and I knew without a doubt where I was.

"Wake up fucker" the curtains were thrown open as I buried my head face down into the pillow.

"I feel like shit" i managed to get out my throat extremely scratchy

"You look it too" Nik took a seat on his desk on the opposite side of the room

"Don't even try fall asleep Nyx" he warned as I groggily sat up and annoyed expression on my face

"How long have I been out for" I muttered hoping to receive an adequate answer of a few hours despite me not sleeping the two days I was in the hotel.

Also because I had no nightmares despite not taking any pills so I was guessing it wasn't that long

"2 days" he walked up to me and put a cup and some pills in my hands, his fingers lightly brushing mine as we made eye contact.

I took the pills, chugging the water and then leaned my back onto the bed lazily.

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