10 minutes earlier
"I never should have trusted you to make that deal" were his last words
"That love, was your mistake" and so Carson was no more, his body dropped onto the floor blood pooling out,
10 minutes later
"So why do you care about me" he walked behind us jogging a bit to catch up.
"Just because we're helping you doesn't mean we care. Your death would be a minor inconvenience thats all" Nik sneered
"A-and what do i do after this"
"It's your choice" i shrugged "you can continue with your worthless life, or you can become someone who matters"
Walking out the building using the guys biometrics it was clear it had been evacuated, there was no sign of life whatsoever.
Exiting into the dark illuminated night Nik pressed the guy up against the wall "just hurry up and do it" he whimpered knowing his fate and having seen it coming
with one pull of the trigger another life was taken and left on the cold streets.
"Well that was adventurous"
"Nothing more exiting for a Monday morning" i muttered
"Actually its Tuesday" he corrected "smartass" i smirked
"Rather a smart ass then a dumbass"
I laughed "going back to year 3 insults are we babe" as i mimicked him "RaTHer A SMaRt aSs THeN a dUmBass"
Before i knew it i was being pressed up against a cold brick wall, his knee pressed between my thighs as i rose my eyebrow at him not giving him the reaction he wanted
"If you were horny you could have just said so" i smirked as my eyes flickered around his face
his eyes copying my actions drifted around my face as he lifted his bloody hand up to rest on the base of my neck "oh? Really" the atmosphere getting thicker with tension making me draw in a short breath
"If you have a sick kink" my eyes flashed to his which was sitting on top of where my sick was not long ago
"Fucking disgusting" he pulled away and carried on down the street
"thats not the words i would use after you just looked like you were about to eat me in a dirty alley way covered in blood" i nudged my shoulder with his.
"And I mean atleast i look good in blood" i carried on trying to piss him off "really makes my eyes pop"
I peered at him "eh not so much for you perhaps rubbing shit on your face would make your eyes pop you should try it sometime send me a pic"
"I don't even have your number" he pointed out thoughtfully
"If this is your way of asking for my number i expected something a bit more" i did my hands in a jazz motion
"No" he sighed the smallest of smiles forming on his face as we turned a corner "its for- never mind"
"It's fine if your were going to profess your love for me you know, you wouldn't be the first" i winked as we came to a stop outside a dingy hotel.

How I Survived
AbenteuerBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...