Part 26

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"How old are you" i questioned once we pulled up to Nikolai's apartment complex

"17" he raised an eyebrow at me as if saying what the fuck

"It's a justified question" i defended

"In 16 by the way, turning 17 at the end of this week, the day after my funeral actually" i thought about it thinking he wasn't even listening

Walking inside, the lobby was classy and looked expensive as fuck "they probably sell water bottles for like £10" i muttered to myself

"You do realise we use dollars here right" he corrected

"I keep forgetting" i walked up to the front desk with him

"I lost my keycard" he told the lady, his ring clad fingers tapping against the wooden desk

Somehow being kidnapped and chased doesn't stop us from keeping jewellery on

"Oh yes Mr Levine" she handed him a keycard and we headed up to the elevator

It was lowkey awkward considering we've never really been to each others homes despite going through everything we went through together.

"Why are you making this so awkward" i groaned throwing my hands up

"Why Are You MaKinG tHiS sO AWKwArd" he mimicked me stealing out of the elevators and unlocking his door

Whistling my voice filled the air "i could break into this any day"

His apartment was huge, it had the whole black theme going on and one of the walls were replaced by a glass screen of windows.

Whistling my voice filled the air "i could break into this shit ass security any day"

His apartment was huge, it had the whole black theme going on with a huge glass window as one of the walls.

I walked up to it giving it a tap "one way me likey"

"We're not staying here for long" he muttered hoping into what I'm guessing was his room as i lounged about being nosy.

Finishing making another peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich nik was taking to long so I knocked on the door he went in earlier and dawdled

Hearing no answer i entered the room slowly prepared for any sight i was to be greeted with

"Really Nyx" he was stood fully dressed in an ironed suit trying to tie his tie.

"You can't blame me this apartment looked like it was crafted by gods" i walked up to a mirror he had in here and threw a peace sign real quick

"One of my friends actually designed this for me" he was still struggling to tie his tie and started going through a drawer seemingly looking for something

"He owns the building?" I watched him get out a clip on tie and smirked walking up to him

"I do actually" he looked at me as though i was stupid

"Sorry mr millionaire" i snatched the clip on tie out of his hands and set it aside, getting out the proper tie and tying it for him

"I could say the same to you" he looked surprised at the fact that i was helping him

My eyes flickered to his plump lips for a second before looking away hoping he didn't catch that.

"Got everything you need now?" Receiving the right answer we headed out the apartment and back onto the road.

"Where are we heading first" i questioned from the passengers seat since apparently I'm unfit to drive

"Records office"

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