Part 18

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Waking up in the morning i realised it was the day.

The day where i hoped that my questions would be answered, or at least some of them.

It was 11:00 and i still had one hour so I showered and changed into this:

It was 11:00 and i still had one hour so I showered and changed into this:

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And went downstairs to eat breakfast. I worked out since 9:00 with Aries and Silas, that was some good sort of extra bonding i guess.

"Good morning Phoenix" Leonardo and Silas greeted


I put 5 pancakes on my plate drizzling Nutella, strawberries and bananas on them, pouring a cup of chocolate milk and getting my frozen grapes out of the freezer sitting at the table. Aries and Alistair sat next to me and we spoke a bit

"It's in ones weeks time, so you better clear your schedule" Aries pouted

"Of course we'll all be there, you better be getting us some first seat tickets mate" we were joined by Lucien who sat at the table reading a newspaper causing Alistair to chuckle "i didn't know people still read them grandpa" to which started a new conversation about whether or not he's old.

Astraea and Rowena walked in there hands full of shopping bags and laughing to each other as i downed my chocolate milk wiping the residue from the top of my mouth.

"We didn't know you guys were going shopping" Leonardo spoke, his eyes flashing to me for a second thinking what everyone in the room was.

"Yeah we decided yesterday, nothing better then some mother daughter bonding, bought a few dresses for the ball next Sunday" Rowena chuckled sitting at the table kissing Lucien's cheek.

"Yeah you have two daughters" Aries spoke at the same time Raidan did who was watching from the stove "what about your other daughter"

Leonardo also came to my defence "did Nyx not want to come?"

"We-ell i- we just assumed she would be busy you know" she bashfully muttered as if scolding herself for forgetting about me.

"I thought you would be out I'm sorry Phoenix" Astraea muttered

I shrugged, it wouldn't have harmed them to ask me but it it was it is

Still finishing eating my pancakes I got a call from Persophone "whats popping good look'in" she screamed cheerfully

"To what do i owe this wonderful pleasure love" i smiled softly, her energy was so uplifting at times contrasting how she can be when she's angry

"Well i just wanted to let you know that i found out who my father is" she spoke, but i knew her all to well there was something wrong

"What is it" i added another forkful of pancaked into my mouth

"He died"

Way to be blunt sis

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