Opening a random car door I hot wired it and got in, clutching the steering wheel harshly I sped out of the car park at a high speed.
I turned on the radio and blasted out some Lewis Capaldi songs because honestly fuck life right now.
Pulling in front of a liquor store I jumped out the car leaving the music still playing and walked inside the shop browsing.
Grabbing a bottle of like £25 alcohol and a vape I ran out the store not bothering about the consequences.
And now I'm sat at Lily and Elijah's graves drinking and smoking as the car is parked outside the cemetery.
"So 2/3's of the original CC team is reunited" I took a swig of my drink shaking my head "who would have thought time would go so quickly. Remember when we would go on those trips together for a few days and just cause havoc, now look how shit life is, your both dead, the teams split up and my family is fucking annoying"
"I'm angry actually I'm extremely pissed off right now"
I laid down and stared up at the stars "I don't really need to explain the situation since you've probably been watching all this time" smoke filled in and out of my lungs in two breaths.
And so i sat there talking about how i feel about everything thats going on for half an hour before leaving the cemetery and getting in my car.
Driving down the empty street the cars fuel level rapidly changed and loud sounds were coming from the exhaust system, realising what that meant i stopped the car turning off the ignition and started running, only managing to get a few meters away before i was pushed foreword onto the ground flames and toxic fumes filling the atmosphere.
"For fucks sakes i really cant be arsed for this shit" i muttered knowing i scraped my head on the pavement and had a graze there.
Taking a few breaths to clear my head i noticed approaching figures and realised what was about to happen.
"Now gentlemen lets not make any rash decisions" i started to get up off my feet, there was no way i was going down without a fight
One of the men pounced on me twisting my arm behind my back as i threw my head back effectively breaking his nose "you know I've had a really bad day today and" i grabbed a piece of glass off the floor and stabbed the man closet too me in the neck "you fucktards aren't making it any better"
One of the other men grabbed me from behind as another came up in front of me holding a rag of sorts as i kicked and punched, more men joining the scene
"You little shits" my bloodied hands scratched one of them down the face and kicked another as he tries to tie down my feet.
"I'm going to rip your fucking mothers spinal cord out and feed it to you" i elbowed one of the men behind me in the guts casing him to groan out loud
"She's a fighter" one of them chuckled"She's also a cold blooded murderer" i managed to yank one of them down by the hair colliding it with the man who managed to tie my feet together harshly, successfully making them pass out
As i was about to try again to get away something was directly pressed against my face.
A fucking cloth covered in chloroform
I struggled for around 5 minutes trying everything to get the cloth off my face and to stop breathing it but no method seemed to work.
The dizziness and sickness already kicked in and before i knew it i was out like a light.
Groaning my body began to wake up, i coughed feeling a tickle at the back of my throat, knowing it's as just an after affect of the chloroform i tried to ignore it.

How I Survived
AvventuraBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...