"Hi I'm Adam Drake you must be Mrs Salvatore, if I'm correct you're here regarding the fire explosion at 25 bright-gold"
"Yeah that's me, I was apprised that the results would have come through this morning. I would appreciate it if you can supply me a detailed run through of everything you've determined please"
"Of course. So we've found three clean finger prints which we have found matches for, along with one sheet of paper that survived the explosion because it was made fireproof"
"Fire proof" I raised an interested eyebrow as I leaned forward into my chair resting my hands on the table "i'm assuming you've tested what substances were used on it to accomplish that and an approximate date of it too"
"Yeah we have," he opened up a file and pointed to it "we ran multiple tests and figured out they used potassium aluminum sulfate hydrate which is quite surprising because-"
"Yeah I'm familiar they could have easily used sodium borate" aka borax or tincal.
I'm sure I've mentioned earlier that I have a photographic memory so I pretty much remember everything. I've read multiple books about stuff like this so I'm quite familiar.
"Uh well yes" i could see he was quite surprised with my knowledge of this "yes it dated back to 01/11/21 , making that one week ago" that was around the same time we moved here i made a mental note to myself.
"Moving onto the fingerprints the first one belongs to Mr Crowman" he showed me a picture of blondie who i killed.
"The second one isn't certain but it's who we think is Mr Nikolai Arcane Rhysand Levine"
My suspicions were correct. I had no doubt that Nik had an involvement with the illegal world since the first day i met him. His fighting skills were precise and accurate, those of a killer, his aim was perfect and he didn't hesitate to kill.
The Levines are one of the most powerful families in the world. All thats known about him is that he is 18 and an only child. He took over his mafia on his 16th birthday after the death of his father. He's actually extremely famous in the legal world as well as the illegal. He's rumoured to have never been bested in a fight and dare i say his skills match mine.
"The third and last fingerprint we found apart from yours and the little girl's with you is one we think belongs to Katherine Knostra, the last traces of her was in 2005 when she was 15"
He handed me all the files, lifted himself off the chair he was sat on and used a key to open a draw taking out a paper in an evidence bag "this is the paper that evidently survived"
Putting gloves on i had a look "that date again" it had the date 01/07/14 on the back and the front looked like some sort of letter.
"We were told Mr Salvatore not to do anything with figuring out what's on there so we didn't"
I read over the first side
To Athene Rik
Attempted murder changes a person. Practising archery with bear always apologising is alarming. Eating bananas and analysing books for anaphoras on aircrafts is annoying. The eggplants from Asda taste boiled. I'm amazed the beans were attainable. I'm changing now aimlessly for ana baby agelessly.I had no doubt that this was not coded.
"Have you tested this under a UV light" i questioned.
"No we haven't"
I got out of my chair talking the gloves off "well thank you for this, I'm going to be taking this with me-"
"Ma'am thats against protocol I can't let you take that"

How I Survived
AbenteuerBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...