"So hypothetically speaking if we were to stand in the middle of the ocean and try to see who gets attacked by a shark first it doesn't count as a competition" I wondered as I tried to keep up with Niks fast pace
We'd had a whole week to relax after the whole Nikolai's dead thing and I can't lie and say it hasn't been the most relaxing
We'd been adjusting to a semi normal life now that the marks aren't after us
There's been arguments and it definitely hasn't stopped our teasing and bullying
He said he wanted to take me somewhere special, probably because we'd spent the whole day in torture rooms, killing people and we need some us time
My training this week has been 2x more hard as as I have the test to see if I'm trained well enough and then I get the tattoo literally the day after tomorrow.
We kept on walking saying random facts and thoughts that came to mind as our hands swung between us.
"It's not everyday one goes on a killing spree then on a date afterwards" is spoke out loud
"It's called being unstable" Nik deadpanned
He took me to a forest of sorts that was extreme pretty. We kept on walking until we came across a body of water surrounded by wildlife
He set up a pic I sort of thing with food, books, a record player and a canvas with paints
He looked nervous as he gauged my reaction, I turned to him and gave him a soft kiss, none of us pulling apart "you fucker" I mumbled in between kisses
I sat in between his legs as he read and I painted, music playing in the background
It was amazing how chaotic our lives were during the day and how they contrasted our nights
"What do you think that stars called" I pointed from my position his chest
"Probably something along the lines of Ahg7282729"
"I was thinking something like Darrel" I guessed
"Darrel is the name of the guy who supplies my mafia cocaine" his hand slipped under my shirt and rubbed circles on my bare skin
"Okay fine, Samantha unless there's a Samantha who supplies your mafia weed I think we're fine" I sarcastically spoke as he laughed in the crook of my neck
I told him about my theories of mermaids and alternate universes and how absurd it is that some people think that the earth is flat.
In return he told me about how giraffes should be mythical creatures instead of unicorns, what's the point on locking the lid on a coffin and whether cereal is a soup or not.
I told him about Lily and how much she meant to me and even shed a few tears.
"Last time we spoke about our fears" I started
"You said it was of small spaces, Claustrophobia. Why is that" I murmured turning myself on his lap so his hands were resting on my thighs
We were all alone in the starry night now that the sun has set, surrounded by nature and paint splatters
"Mother used to lock me up when I was really young, we had this tiny kitchen cupboard and I hated it. I would sit in there crying thinking were the walls a cage or a protection? I'd have been trapped for so long at times that I lost faith that there was a world beyond the tiny walls. After that. After feeling free light my fear of being trapped again became all consuming. So, I figured out all the traps, the codes, the combinations, the locks... I can make any key and command a door to appear, I guess it was a defence mechanism of sorts incase I was to ever be in that situation as a little bit again" he murmured looking down
I lifted his chin softly and kissed him
I couldn't put my support for him and admiration in words so I did the only thing I knew how to do
I kissed him and showed him how strong he was
We communicated through our kisses and I think it was one of the most beautiful things in the world
"Come on" I tugged him upwards, turning the music up higher as we sprinted towards the water
We jumped in with all our clothes on, Nik brought spares with him in a duffel bag
We splashed and did challenges of who could stay under the water the longest, creating a memory we would take to the grave
"To think all it took was a usb to bring us together" he spoke our lips so close together
"What did you do with the usb anyways" he asked curiously
"You had it for the majority of the time, remember when we snuck into that museum and i gave you the bear? It was in there"
Our lips collided as we gripped at each other not getting enough. It was as though we were finally complete at the moment. Everything that had happened to each of us led us both right here.
Nikolai's Pov:
I was utterly and completely in love with Phoenix Hera Salvatore and there was no denying itWhy did I choose her- with her flirtatious winks and dangerous aura?
She made me question everything, she infuriated me at times and she still does but in the end no one could make me laugh, smile or feel like she did.
I wanted her in the bluntest way at all times. I wanted her lips, her hands, her arms. I want her the way the ocean wants the shore, constantly reaching and running back. I wan her the way the rain wants to fall, the way the sun wants to shine, the way words want to be read. I want her to infinity, to the millionth degree, no amount of rain could dose the fire I had in me for her
And the best thing?
She's in love with me back
And that makes my heart soar higher then the stars and my smile wider then ever
"I am so in love with you Nikolai, till every star in the galaxy dies"
I basically wanted to show you how there relationship is helping them to discover new parts to themselves and is changing the way they think etc
NIK IS THE BIGGEST SIMP IS HE NOT where can I buy him from😩
Anyways the next few chapters shall be exiting with Nyx having to become leader and whatnot. Do you think she can do it?

How I Survived
PertualanganBEING REWRITTEN THIS IS THE OLD VERSION You haven't learnt anything until you learn monsters have nightmares too. Paint me as a villain and call me a monster but I am the architect of my own destruction and that will forever remain engraved inside m...