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katsumi woke up at 5 am to the sound of her alarm blaring. she smacked it, groaning as she pulled herself up. quickly brushing her teeth and hair, she tugged her uniform on. she stood in the mirror, frowning slightly.

the uniform was a bit big on her; the sleeves of the undershirt covered her hands, but luckily the pants weren't too big, they stretched across her thighs comfortably. she huffed, pulling her hair up and walking towards the field. as the yells from the field got louder, katsumi's anxieties grew larger.

but at the same time, she was determined to fight to show that she was an equal to the boys she would be practicing with. she smiled, the field coming into view. as she walked, she cuffed her sleeves a bit, humming in satisfaction. she stepped onto the field, ignoring the gazes from around her.

"a girl?"

"is this even allowed?"

"she's miyuki's sister, right?"

"she's so much tinier than everyone! how can she play?!"

she ignored the boys, going to stand in line with the other first years, holding her head up high. kataoka walked onto the field, standing in front of them. another man, who she remembered as oota, and takashima stood behind him, along with all of the regulars. katsumi searched for her brother, but sighed as she was unable to spot him. "is this everyone?" kataoka asked.

"yes sir!" all of the first years, minus katsumi, replied.

"introduce yourselves, in order!" the new players listened to his order, introducing themselves down the line. in her peripheral vision, katsumi could see a boy running to try and join the line, before a loud voice called out.

"hey! this guys trying to join the line, even though he's late!"

at the familiar arrogant voice, katsumi rolled her eyes. 'i doubt you were any earlier, aniki.' everyone looked to the boy who tried to sneak in, and he froze in place. katsumi eyed the coach wearily, an angry aura surrounding him.

"kid, you got guts coming in late on the first day." kataoka crossed his arms as the boy tensed up. "and worse, trying not to get caught while you sneak in... that kind of rotten personality... go run until practice ends!" the girl jumped at the coach's yelling, and one of the regulars behind the coach started laughing.

katsumi looked behind kataoka, seeing kuramochi laughing with a smirking kazuya behind him. "this guy's upperclass roommates too..." kuramochi stopped laughing, smile still on his face, as he and masuko, who was next to him, froze in shock. "as well as the incredible idiot standing over there, who tried to exploit the situation... you run too."

kataoka held the late boy up by the back of his jersey. kazuya sweat dropped, grin still plastered on his face. katsumi hid a giggle behind her hand as the three boys sighed, then jogged to join the first year. the introductions continued down the line, until they reached katsumi.

everyone stared at her, and she kept her chin held high. takashima whispered to kataoka, and he nodded. "miyuki katsumi," she nodded in response. "miyuki here, is a mute." kataoka's voice turned hard. "if i find out that anyone else is treating her differently because of this, they'll be answering to me. got it?" the boys around her nodded, and she smiled unnoticeably, holding her hands behind her back. the introductions finished after a few minutes, and kataoka began yelling instructions at the players.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

once morning practice was over, katsumi looked around for her brother. she saw him talking to kataoka, bowing as he did so. she smiled, walking over to him as kataoka approved of him returning to practice. kazuya thanked him, turning to see his sister coming towards him.

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