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katsumi woke up in a warm pair of arms, a familiar snoring filling her ears. her head rested on furuya's chest, his hand tangled in her hair to keep her in place. she glanced up, smiling at the boy.

he was sleeping soundly, a snot bubble blowing and retracting from his nose. katsumi giggled, poking the boy's neck. he jerked awake, snorting and looking around frantically. katsumi laughed softly, sitting up.

"sorry, toru." she smiled cheekily. he grumbled, trying to fall back asleep. "h- hey! we gotta get up!" she pouted, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him. he grumbled in response, slowly sitting up.

"s'too early..." he whined groggily.

"it's six! this is when we usually wake up!" katsumi gaped at him, starting to climb out of bed.

"mmmm." he groaned, reaching out for the girl. he gripped her waist, pulling her back down against his chest.

"satoru!" she scolded him playfully. "we need to get up!" he pouted, nuzzling his face into her hair.

"just a little more.. miyuki-senpai will kill me if he sees me with you again." he mumbled.

"fine, fine..." katsumi sighed, smiling at the sound of furuya's heartbeat. five minutes passed and katsumi sat up, deadpanning at a sound asleep furuya. "satoru!" she slapped his chest.

"ah-!" his eyes snapped open. "uhh!" he groaned loudly.

"c'mon! get up, i want breakfast!" she whined. he sighed, slowly sitting up.

"can i have a kiss first?" he mumbled.

"only if you get up!"

"fine.." he huffed, lips jutting out in a pout.

katsumi giggled in response, leaning forward and kissing him softly. she jumped up, grabbing the boy's hand and dragging him out the door. he gaped at her, trying to slip his shoes on while katsumi tugged him along excitedly.

"hey, how do you think inashiro did yesterday?" furuya asked softly.

katsumi's steps faltered slightly, "oh, uh.. i forgot about the game..."

furuya took note of the girl's sudden quietness, frowning. he leaned down, kissing her forehead softly. she giggled, hugging him happily. he blushed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her to the canteen.

they walked in, both sighing in relief at the nearly empty room. "morning, katsumi-chan, furuya-kun!" haruichi smiled at his friends.

"morning, ha- haruichi!" katsumi smiled, sitting down across from him. furuya sat down next to her, scooting his chair closer. the girl was quick to dig into her breakfast, scarfing down her rice. furuya was less excited about his meal, sluggishly raising his chopsticks to his mouth.

'talk about yin and yang...' haruichi sweat dropped.

"hey, you guys hear?" kanemaru sat down next to haruichi. "inashiro lost yesterday." katsumi froze mid-chew, eyes widening.

"wh- what?" she mumbled. kanemaru threw a newspaper on the table, the title reading: 'narumiya tried with all his might', a picture underneath showing narumiya crying with harada placing a hand on his shoulder.

she frowned slightly at the tears running down narumiya's cheeks; sure, she wasn't all too fond of narumiya's cockiness, but deep down she still had a soft spot for the blonde.

"th- they played well." she muttered. the boys raised their eyebrows at her, all wearing shocked expressions. she looked up at them, expression slightly solemn. "what? just b- because i disl- like narumiya does- doesn't mean they're bad. neither does the fact that the lost..." she sighed, tearing her eyes away from the newspaper to glare down at her rice. "we lost, but that doesn't make us bad."

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