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it was the day before quarterfinals, and katsumi was finally practicing in the bullpen with the others. tanba and ono seemed somewhat shocked that katsumi was practicing with the pitchers, as they were the only ones who hadn't known about her pitching practice, but didn't say anything about it. since all four regular pitchers and their respective catchers were matched up, katsumi was practicing with akina, who was shakily holding a catcher's mitt.

"am i doing this right?" she looked over to miyauchi, who was crouched down next to her. after he caught tanba's pitch he turned to face her, nodding silently and turning back to tanba. "okay... ready, katsumi-chan!"

akina held her mitt out, biting her lip nervously beneath the catcher's mask. "it's off again.." katsumi heard kataoka tell tanba as she winded her arm back. she slammed her left foot forward, right arm flying forward as the ball curved into akina's mitt.

"nice pitch, katsumi!" kataoka said from behind her.

"nice throw! i think!" akina smiled, standing to throw the ball back to katsumi. "ah, sorry!" she sweat dropped as the ball flew above katsumi's head. the girl jumped, catching the ball in her mitt before it could fly past her.

'don't mind.' she signed with a smile. akina nodded, smiling and crouching back down to the ground. takashima watched katsumi with a smirk as she winded up for another pitch.

'despite the fact that her friend isn't experienced with baseball at all... she's pitching to her wonderfully. although, her accuracy seems a bit shaky from here... after we should have her pitch to one of the catchers and see how she can perform with them; preferably miyuki-kun.' takashima thought, humming to herself.

when the pitchers were done, she asked katsumi and kazuya to stay behind. "while you performed very well for someone who doesn't play baseball, i'd like to see how miyuki-san can pitch to someone who can lead her." akina nodded, standing and pulling the helmet off.

"i don't know how you wear all this..." she dead panned, stepping back to tug all of the gear off. kazuya crouched with a smirk, holding his mitt up as katsumi huffed quietly.

'asshole.' she eyed his mitt that was asking for a lower inside pitch. katsumi took a deep breath, winding up for her pitch and throwing the ball, her brother's mitt as the target. the ball flew to the upper outside corner, and takashima frowned slightly.

'ah.. she's not entirely accurate yet-' takashima cut her thoughts off as the ball sharply dropped to the inside corner. the assistant coach gasped quietly at the smack of the ball hitting kazuya's mitt— even kazuya himself looked shocked. he chuckled silently, grabbing the ball and throwing it back to katsumi. "i see..." takashima murmured, pushing her glasses up and looking down.

"nice pitch, i think!" akina smiled at her friend. the woman smirked, walking towards the left fielder.

"that breaking ball could be deadly." kazuya smirked. "she'd be useful to have in a real game, does coach plan on playing her?"

takashima shook her head, "i have no idea when he plans on using katsumi in a real match, or if he even plans on it." she put her hand on katsumi's shoulder. "but no matter what, it'll be nice to know we've got a secret weapon."

katsumi's eyes widened slightly. "hm." she nodded with a smile, fiery aura appearing around her.

"hey now!" kazuya threw his mitt at the girl's back. "don't get too overexcited!" he smirked, wrapping an arm around her neck.

"ah, but katsumi-chan is good at pitching, no?" akina wondered aloud as she held the catcher's gear to her chest.

"well, of course she is! but you can't tell her that, or she'll get an ego." kazuya grinned as katsumi growled, punching his shoulder. akina smiled softly, putting the catcher's gear in the crate where she'd picked it up before. she watched katsumi walk off with kazuya, smiling to herself.

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