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it was the fourth inning when furuya's pitching began to falter. carlos was the first batter up, and had just been walked. katsumi bounced her leg and clicked her fidget cube anxiously, taupe eyes watching furuya with concern.

shirakawa was the next batter and the boy chose to bunt, managing to get carlos to second with the sacrifice of getting himself out. katsumi clapped softly in support, pulling a gummy bear from her pocket. the next batter hit the first pitch thrown to him, but masuko caught the ball with the tip of his glove.

"just one more out, don't let up!" eijun yelled.
"don't come back until the bottom of the fourth!" his cheers were accompanied by katsumi's clapping.

"good one." haruichi smiled.

"keep- keep attacking!" katsumi called out, barely loud enough for the players to hear. furuya smiled faintly at the sound of her voice, winding his arms up. the next batter hit the ball towards ryosuke, and katsumi's eyes widened as he leapt for the ball and missed.

'his leg..? his leg must be hurt..' she frowned. carlos ran from second to third, lips quirking up into a grin. jun picked up the ball and attempted to throw to kazuya in time, but carlos was too quick. he slid, hitting home plate with his hand.

"don't sweat it, furuya!" eijun yelled. "it's still a tie, a tie!"

"two out!" masuko smiled.

"slaughter them with the next one!" jun bellowed. furuya glanced at katsumi, eyes flashing with worry. katsumi grinned at him, holding her thumbs up.

narumiya walked up to bat next, grinning at furuya. katsumi's smile dropped as the blonde hit the first pitch thrown to him. the ball flew over the fielders, hitting the fence in right field. the runner on first ran the bases, rounding third and safely making it home as shirasu threw the ball back to the infield. narumiya ran for third, only to get tagged out by masuko.

narumiya sulked back to his dugout, getting scolded by his teammates for being risky. furuya was also sulking back, face dripping with sweat. "the pitch count?" kataoka asked chris.

"68 pitches after 4 innings..." chris murmured. "it's a real help that narumiya was out at third base."

"tell tanba he's going in next inning." kataoka said. "kawakami, sawamura, you two go warm up."

"y- yes, boss!" eijun yelled, grabbing his mitt and running to the bullpen. kazuya walked over to katsumi, patting her head roughly.

"how're you holding up, sumi?" he smiled, letting the girl help him get his catcher's gear off.

"g- good." katsumi hummed. "hey." she murmured as furuya approached the two. she handed him his helmet, frowning softly. "if you hit, i'll kis- kiss your cheek a- again." furuya blushed a dark red, his expression deadpanned as he quickly pulled his gloves on. he patted her head softly and left the dugout with a confused kazuya.

"what's got you all blushy?" the catcher teased, quickly leaving for the batter's box. kazuya managed to hit two fouls off of narumiya, but was struck out by a fastball to the inside corner. kazuya returned to the dugout, scowling at a giggling katsumi and throwing a batting glove at her.

"wanted the ch- change up?" she whispered when he sat down next to her.

"shut it." he muttered, punching her shoulder. she giggled, turning to face furuya. he glanced at her as he stood in the box, and she gave him a small smile. he suddenly smirked, determination rising. katsumi tilted her head, watching the boy swing at the first pitch thrown.

the ball landed in between the left and center fielders, allowing furuya to run to second base. "ah, now i- i owe him." katsumi giggled.

"owe him what?" kazuya frowned down at her. "what'd you offer him?!"

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