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the team's dining hall was filled with a quiet buzz as players began to filter into the room and grab breakfast. katsumi trudged down the sidewalk, tiredly wiping at her eyes. she hadn't slept very much the previous night, being stuck in a constant state of tossing and turning.

furthermore, the girl hadn't taken her prescription meds since before the tournament, making her mind fuzzy. she was scared to tell kazuya that she threw her medicine out, considering she wouldn't be due for another refill for a few weeks.

and it was hot, unbearably hot. she hated being this hot. it reminded her of sitting in a warm hospital room, that annoying beeping sound piercing her ears as she stared at a bald woman in front of her who looked familiar and unfamiliar all at the same time. at that time, she never realized how much she'd miss that beeping sound.

her shirt stuck to her skin by sweat, making her frown in discomfort as she tied her hair into a low bun. she walked into the lunchroom, picking up a singular bowl of rice and walking towards furuya, eijun, and haruichi.

"good morning, katsumi-chan!" eijun said as haruichi smiled at the girl. she hummed, sitting down next to furuya and picking at her rice.

"morning, katsu." furuya greeted the girl, frowning at her darkened eye bags. "you sleep okay?" she nodded, chewing her rice slowly. the three boys frowned at her behavior, sending each other worried looks.

"ah, katsumi." the girl looked up, eyes meeting kanemaru's. "only one bowl of rice? you know, we're supposed to have three." the girl frowned, looking away. eijun perked up, looking to kanemaru.

"leave her alone, kanemaru." he said with a surprisingly calm tone.

kanemaru sneered, "she needs to eat three bowls, just like the rest of us. she isn't excused just because she's a girl."

"just leave her alone!" eijun exclaimed.

"please, kanemaru-kun." haruichi frowned.

"shut it, sawamura!" kanemaru scowled. "come on, katsumi. you need to eat three. or should i tell coach that you're not eating right? i'm sure he wouldn't be thrilled to hear that considering we're in the middle of a tournament." he huffed, reaching out and grabbing katsumi's arm. she froze up as kanemaru pulled her out of her seat.

"hey!" furuya shot up, slamming his hands on the table. by now, the few people around them had taken notice. "don't... touch her." he muttered.

"hey, come on kanemaru. calm down before the senpai come in." a nearby first year put his hand on kanemaru's shoulder. the boy let go of katsumi, who was shaking slightly.

"i just don't get why she gets such special treatment!" the boy laughed incredulously. katsumi slowly sat back down, wincing as eijun's chair screeched across the floor.

"i don't get why you have to try and start things with her!" the southpaw yelled, golden eyes ablaze with anger.

"what's going on?" the first years froze at the calm voice of yuki. "is there a problem?" he glared down at the two boys.

"n- no." kanemaru looked down.

"no?!" eijun gaped. katsumi stood with a huff of anger, stomping over to the food line. the boys stared after her, watching her pick up another bowl of rice. her stomach churned at the thought of eating more, but she knew it was the only way for kanemaru to shut up and leave them alone.

"katsumi, is everything alright over here?" she answered yuki's question with a nod, sitting down and picking her chopsticks up. the captain frowned slightly in disbelief, turning and walking away. katsumi slowly ate her second bowl of rice, swallowing a small groan. she let out a sigh of relief as she finished it off, only for kanemaru to place another bowl in front of her.

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