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katsumi attempted to stand, a yelp of pain leaving her throat as she fell to the ground again. "are you alright?" the third base coach asked her, but it fell upon deaf ears. furuya stood halfway from his spot on the bench, eyes wide as they focused on the girl's figure.

'no..' her eyes widened as her vision blurred and the white noise returned. 'no no no...' she tried pushing herself up once again.

"hey, time out!" the third base coach called, gesturing for kataoka to come over. katsumi fell once more, whimpering and holding her knee, her fingers shaking around the joint.

"sumi!" her name echoed through her head, fading away under the blanket of white noise in between her ears. was someone actually calling her? "katsumi!" kazuya ran out of the dugout behind kataoka, eyes wide as he watched katsumi gingerly hold her knee.

"ah, is it her knee?!" haruno asked worriedly as akina leaned forward with a deep frown.

"hey, isn't that her bad knee..." koushi frowned.

"yeah, the knee that akito..." daichi frowned at the thought of katsumi's junior high bully.

"her knee..." kuramochi trailed off and ryosuke nodded.

"she overworked it." the pinkette frowned, watching katsumi with concern. furuya walked forward, hands gripping the fence tightly as he watched with worry.

"katsumi, i'm right here." kazuya murmured, frowning at the sound of katsumi's breathing picking up. he sighed, scooping the girl into his arms and carrying her to the dugout. she gasped quietly, trying her best not to hide her face in kazuya's chest and have a panic attack.

kazuya walked into the dugout as fast as he could, and as soon as he did, katsumi hid her face in his chest and let out a cracked sob. the other players' eyes widened at the noise as he set her down on the bench. takashima left the stands and ran into the dugout, standing beside kataoka and chris, who watched the siblings with a worried gaze. 'katsumi-san...' takashima frowned.

"sumi, i've gotta see your knee, okay? you gotta let go." he tried to reason with her. she shook her head rapidly, crying softly into his chest. furuya's heart clenched at the noise and he crossed his arms, hands tightening into fists.

'they can't see me like this...' katsumi thought, hands shaking as they gripped kazuya's jersey. 'it's pathetic.'

"they won't judge you." kazuya whispered. "it's okay."

'stupid kazuya and his stupid mind reading.' katsumi hesitantly let go, looking down to avoid eye contact with her teammates. kazuya pulled her pant leg up, revealing a swollen and bruised knee. kazuya sucked in a breath, looking up at chris.

"it's likely just a ligament tear." chris murmured, kneeling down next to kazuya. "we'll have to have the nurse look at it as soon as we get back." kazuya nodded, pulling the pant leg back down and frowning at katsumi, who was still keeping her teary eyes down.

'i told you to be careful.. i always do.' the girl covered her mouth in an attempt to muffle a sob and he frowned deeper, picking the girl back up in his arms. he walked over to the furthest corner of the dugout and sat her down on the bench. "furuya.. come here." the pitcher perked up and the catcher turned to the others. "um.. if you guys could just... not look..." he frowned, turning back to katsumi.

she could faintly hear the announcement of her being injured and a runner being sent out for her, meeting kuramochi's eyes as he jogged to third base. he frowned slightly, worry for the girl growing in his chest. 'i've disappointed them..'

her lips trembled and she sobbed softly. everything from the past few days came crashing down on top of her; the not eating, the anniversary of her mother's death, the rampant pickup of her adhd, the constant need to be enough for the team.

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