
812 24 4

tw: multiple panic attacks!!

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katsumi sleepily stumbled down the bus aisle, trailing behind kuramochi and ryosuke. "try not to die on the stairs, katsumi-chan." ryosuke teased, earning a tired mumble from the girl. she slowly walked down the stairs, her foot missing the last one. ryosuke jumped forward, catching her by wrapping an arm around her stomach and stabilizing her.

"sorry.." she murmured, yawning quietly. kuramochi and ryosuke looked at each other, frowning as she walked off to kazuya, tugging his sleeve. "aniki..." she looked up at him with big doe eyes. he nodded, picking katsumi up bridal style and wordlessly leaving. the other players watched the boy carry his sister away, frowning.

"is she going to be okay..?" haruichi looked over at eijun, who shrugged with a frown. furuya's eyebrows furrowed as he walked off, keeping his head down.

"hey.. kuramochi." ryosuke grabbed his partner's elbow, leading him away from the others. "katsumi feels... light." kuramochi looked at him with furrowed eyes. "like... it feels like she's losing weight... a lot." the pinkette frowned, and the two looked over to where kazuya was carrying katsumi back to her dorm.

"god, you're so needy, sumi." the girl hummed in response to her brother. "don't fall asleep yet!" kazuya scowled as they neared her dorm. he dumped her out of his arms and she walked into her room, about to shut the door when kazuya stopped it with his hand. "hey..." she looked up with wide eyes. "i'm sorry i got mad at you today. and i'm sorry i swore at you. i just.. i don't want you getting hurt. it's my job to protect you." katsumi smiled softly, stepping forward and hugging the boy.

"it's okay.." she mumbled as he hugged her back.

"i'll see you later for dinner, alright?" the girl nodded, waving her brother off and shutting her door behind her.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

after dinner, katsumi laid on her floor for an hour. she'd originally meant to put her clothes away, but she got distracted, and then she got bored. her mind drifted to her knee and how she was benched because of it and she frowned. 'what if i can't play in the tournament anymore? what if i get pulled from the first string?' she hummed, frowning as she started to get breath heavily.

her thoughts drifted to furuya, and she frowned deeper. 'i never get so flustered when people compliment me, but when he called me pretty...' she sighed, her stomach churning. 'why would he say that... it was probably just because he was overheated.. he would never think that about me, he would never like me back-' she jerked herself into a sitting position as her heartbeat increased, nails digging into her palms. 'back?!' her mouth dried up and she looked around wildly for her phone.

tears had started to flow from her eyes without her realizing as she searched around the floor, vision fuzzing slightly. 'not only do i have to worry about coach kicking me off first string, but now i like somebody?!' she spotted her phone on her bed and grabbed it, quickly opening her chat with kazuya.

sumi: hey are u busy rn

kaz: ab to play shogi w/ yuki, why?

sumi: oh nothing i just wanted to hug

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