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"aren't you guys lucky! you have four managers in your club... our team is too scary; so scary that no one dares become a manager." a kiryu player exclaimed.

"and all your managers are cute, too.." another mumbled.

"and you guys have a girl on your team!"

"she was crazy good, and so cute!"

"she looks so squishy!" katsumi smiled from where she was standing with the other first years, looking away.

"hey!" they turned at the sound of a voice, looking up to the bus window to see tachi. "even though the two of you are just first years, your pitching is quite good! after seeing both of your performances... i was reminded of me from back then. this will provide me with motivation and affect me positively."

he looked down to katsumi. "and you, left fielder..." she looked up with wide eyes. "i'm sorry i underestimated you before seeing you in action. you're going to see that a lot on the road to koushien. all of you, continue to work hard..." katsumi nodded with a smile, eijun opting for yelling.

"y- yes! i'll do my best!" he shouted, bending his knees.

"don't think badly of him." they turned, seeing another kiryu player. "contrary to his looks, tachi is actually pretty introverted."

"hey, we are going to kanagawa tomorrow! let's keep our spirit high and move out!"

"yes!" in the end, kiryu had won the match against seidou, 7-14.

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"we have two matches tomorrow. the pitcher for the first will be kawakami." kataoka stood in the dining hall, holding a piece of paper.

"yes!" kawakami replied.

"tanba will be the starter for the second one."kataoka continued.

"yes!" tanba yelled.

"even though the two of you are probably feeling tired, i'll still have you pitch one match each!"

"yes!" katsumi sat down next to haruichi and across from furuya, smiling tiredly as she sat in the warm comfort of her friends.

haruichi looked to furuya and eijun, noticing them blanking out. he looked to katsumi, who was dead asleep on the table. "huh? why are the two of you eating so little today?"

"hm.. for some reason i feel really tired.." eijun mumbled. "so this is the kind of pressure a first string member has to deal with..."

haruichi smirked, "that's because you did your best today. the both of you did.. katsumi-chan, too, but she's asleep." he glanced at the girl, who was drooling on the table.

"who do you think performed better?! be honest!" eijun yelled suddenly, making katsumi jerk awake.

"huh?" katsumi hummed, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"tell us and give us real reasons!" haruichi just smiled at the boys in front of him, not noticing the girl next to him plop her head back down on the table.

"whatever it is... i really envy the three of you for being able to participate in a match... unlike me, who didn't even get the chance to play..." haruichi said softly. the two boys sweat dropped.

"s- sorry, haru-chii! i didn't do it on purpose! i'll give this to you! please forgive me!" eijun shoved his bowl of rice over to the pinkette.

"i'll give this to you too!" furuya pushed his tray over.

"you're just giving me your leftovers!" haruichi sweat dropped. the boys all went silent at the sound of a soft snore. they looked over at katsumi, who hadn't touched her food at all and was slumped over the table. "sh- should we... wake her up? she hasn't eaten yet.." haruichi mumbled. furuya frowned, thinking.

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