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furuya sat down at the top of one of the ramps, chewing on a matcha mochi as katsumi stood next to him, her right foot holding the board up while her left foot was planting at the top of it. he looked up at her worriedly.

"shouldn't you have a helmet on?" he mumbled through a mouthful of mochi.

she shook her head, "i've d- done some pretty cool tricks without any g- gear on." her eyes widened. "don't tell kaz." furuya chuckled. she looked forward with a smirk, extending her arms past the ends of the skateboard. "watch carefully."

in the blink of an eye, katsumi slammed her left foot down, flying down the ramp. furuya nearly choked on his mochi as he watched the girl glide across the ramp, her board flying back up the ramp parallel to the one she'd just gone down. she stopped at the top of the ramp, her board clicking as it touched the top of it. she fell back down, the board drifting back to the ramp furuya sat on.

his eyes widened and his heart fluttered as he watched the girl jump off of her board, grabbing on to the ledge of the ramp and quickly reaching out to grab her board. furuya gasped quietly, holding his hand out to the girl. she chuckled lowly, and furuya blushed at the noise.

"th- thanks." she swung her board up to the ramp, taking furuya's hand.

"that was so cool..." he murmured, in complete awe. katsumi blushed, looking down.

"that's cool? watch this!" katsumi got ready to go down the ramp again, furuya flinching at the noise of her board slamming against the ramp as she flew down and away from furuya.

once she got to the top of the other ramp, she took weight off her right foot to perform a quick turn, flying back towards the ramp furuya sat on. she came to the top once more, touching the end of the deck to the ramp's edge and sending a quick smirk furuya's way as the wheels pressed against the ramp. "hey." she whispered, before she was flying back down.

furuya watched with wide eyes and a soft blush as she climbed back up the other ramp, pushing off of the ramp and making an airborne turn. his heart jumped into his throat as she came back down, lips turned into smirk. "th- that enough cool stuff for you?"

"katsumi... that was awesome!" she blushed darkly. "you have to teach me! show me more!" he stood excitedly.

katsumi giggled, "al- alright.. you should- should learn how to turn first, i- idiot." the boy turned red, nodding as his lips pulled into a thin line. "come on, let's head b- back to the parking lot."

they walked back to the lot, furuya slowly drifting on the board while katsumi skipped beside him. she stopped and furuya braked, looking down at her. his breath hitched as he took in how she looked; it was around seven, so the sun was beginning to set on them. her usually taupe eyes turned a soft caramel as the sun glared on them, an orange light glowing on her skin.

"can you uh... show me something else cool before i start?" he pushed the board over to her with his foot. katsumi caught it under her foot with a smirk, not hesitating in pushing off of it and skating across the lot.

she quickly applied all of her weight to her back foot, jumping into the air and flipping the board under her. she slammed back down on to the board as it landed, continuing her journey across the parking lot as if she hadn't just done a kick flip.

"woah.." furuya smiled. she quickly turned the board around, smiling as she drifted back to furuya. "hey, wait... is this bad for your knee?"

katsumi shook her head, pushing the thought out of her mind. "i- i'll be okay... now tr- try turning.. remember how i- i did it earlier?" she smiled encouragingly as she stepped off the board. the boy nodded, shaking away his blush and kicking off, drifting down the lot and attempting to perform a kick turn like katsumi had an hour ago.

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