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tw: small disassociation episode

also, important note at the end of the chapter, pls make sure to read it!

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katsumi stood in the girl's bathroom of the koshien stadium, gripping the sink counter so harshly that her knuckles turned snow white. her shoulders shook and her breath was raspy, but she couldn't tell why.


she winced, shakily looking over at the source of the voice. a young girl with brown hair and a pair of glasses that were too big for her was staring up at a woman with similar brown hair and side swept bangs.

"what's wrong, dear?" the woman smiled kindly, cupping the girl's cheek. "is kazuya making fun of you again?"

"no, but guess what?!" the girl's fist clenched and unclenched excitedly. "he said that my batting was even better than his now! can you believe that?! my batting is as good as aniki's!"

"oh, my dear katsumi," the woman smiled wider, her slim hand combing through the girl's windswept hair. "you're going to be an amazing baseball player, you know that?" she pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead, smiling sadly.

katsumi's jaw clenched and she shook her head, pulling at her hair. "shut up.." she whispered, voice trembling.

"are you really?" katsumi flinched, looking up to her reflection. "are you really such an amazing baseball player, katsumi?" her reflection smirked darkly, eyes glinting over with mischief. "do you think they think that? after you fucked your knee up and cost them koshien?"

katsumi whimpered, eyes squeezing shut. "do you think they care about you outside of baseball? you're just another good hitter. that's all they think of you as—all they thought of you as. now you're just a weak link."

katsumi jerked awake, cheeks damp with tears. she was currently laying against furuya's side, cheek smooshed against his chest. "toru?" she whispered, voice shaky.

the boy didn't stir, the only sound escaping him being soft snores. katsumi smiled weakly, cuddling closer to him. he subconsciously wrapped his arm around her, still not waking. katsumi's smile strengthened and she sighed in relief.

'it was all just a dream...' she thought. 'just a very real dream...' she looked up at furuya, then glanced at her alarm clock.

5:48 a.m.

she groaned, gently poking furuya's cheek. "toru.. toru.... toru!" furuya slowly stirred awake, grumbling softly. "wake up!" furuya's eyes peeled open, vision fuzzy as he tried to focus on katsumi's face hovering over his own.

"katsu... s'early..." he mumbled, turning over on his side.

"but... i want kissies..." katsumi pouted, flopping down, laying on her stomach on top of his side. "pl- pleaaaaase~?" she puckered her lips, poking his stomach. he grunted, smacking her hand away and fighting off a smile.

"too early for kissies."

"t- toruuuu!" katsumi cried, tugging on his shirt. "how dare y- you say that?!" she whined. "you're so mean-!" furuya pulled the girl down by the strings of her hoodie, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "more!"

"more?" he gave her a lopsided grin. "what do i get?"

"a kiss before anik- niki finds and kills us?"

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