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tw: small panic attack

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"nice game!"

"nice pitching, tanba!"

"make sure that this is the year you get to koushien!"

katsumi hummed quietly, standing closely behind kuramochi and ryosuke as she looked around nervously. kazuya was talking to the coaches, so the two boys were put on babysitting duty as the team stood outside the stadium.

"katsumi-chan!" at the distant voice of daichi, she turned around with a smile. her eyes landed on the three boys running towards her, smiling widely. she squealed, sprinting towards them despite her sore knee, which she soon regretted. it buckled and she stumbled, falling down and holding herself up on her hands.

"ah, katsumi!" asahi ran faster as the seidou players looked over in concern.

'i'm okay.' she signed as the boy pulled her up.

"be careful!" daichi scolded as he caught up with asahi.

"katsumiiii! you did so well!" koushi ran over and glomped the girl in a hug, the seidou players bristling at the sight.

"oi... miyuki. who is that-"

"koushi! daichi! asahi!" kazuya cut off a scowling jun and ran over to the boys. "how've you guys been?" he smiled- not smirked, smiled- at the trio, shocking his teammates.

the three brunette boys conversed as koushi continued smothering katsumi in his hug, praising her and making her turn beet red. furuya frowned, looking away as a strong twinge of jealousy struck his chest.

"ah, sorry to bother!" daichi called over to the seidou team. "we haven't seen katsumi in forever!" he smiled apologetically.

"that's okay, i'm yuki." yuki held his hand out, daichi shaking it firmly.

"daichi. that's koushi and asahi." he gestured to the boys respectively, finally taking notice of koushi practically strangling katsumi. "koushi, let the girl breathe! she just played a match for crying out loud!"

"sorry!" the boy let her go and she giggled, punching his chest and running over to asahi for a hug. after hugging him for a few seconds, she ran over to hug daichi.

"th- thank you for c- coming." she smiled up at the boys.

"of course! we're coming to your next two as well." asahi smiled warmly, using daichi's shoulder as an armrest.

"really?" katsumi's eyes got starry.

"uh, yeah!" koushi scoffed jokingly. "you did amazing today, katsumi." the girl blushed darkly, looking away.

"we have to get going, coach ukai is gonna throw a fit if we're not at practice on time." daichi grinned and katsumi giggled.

"i'll te- text you guys!" she mumbled, saving the boys off. the seidou players continued walking to their bus, katsumi tugging on kazuya's sleeve.

"um.. aniki..?" she tugged on his jersey.

"hm?" he looked down at her.

"b- bathroom.." she stated bluntly.

"go on, we'll see you back at the bus, okay?" kazuya smiled, ruffling her hair. katsumi nodded, smiling and walking to the bathroom, smiling shyly at anyone calling out her name in cheers.

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