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the next day, katsumi felt like she was walking on air. she was still disappointed with herself over their loss against inashiro, but her mood was slightly improved because of the previous night. she spent the day doing some light pitching with kazuya, who took note of the faint speckles of pleasure in her eyes.

that night at dinner, katsumi ate her food with a smile while everyone else was chowing down on their dinners. she kicked her feet under the table, humming as she chewed on her rice. across from her, furuya was stuffing his cheeks with rice.

"you're eating a lot today..." haruichi remarked, watching the pitcher try to swallow it all. katsumi giggled, taking a sip of her chocolate milk through a straw. furuya blushed, staring intensely at his half empty bowl.

eijun failed to notice the new atmosphere between furuya and katsumi, but haruichi knew all too well. he smiled at the gazes the two threw each other before they directed their gazes down to their food.

"make sure you ch- chew your food, satoru." she smiled at the boy. he blushed darker, nodding and nudging her foot with his. she giggled, sandwiching it with her feet. he kicked her softly and she returned it, a soft 'thunk' resulting. katsumi giggled and furuya snorted, covering his laughter with his hand.

kanemaru was sitting next to eijun, talking to some other first years about who the next captain could be. katsumi hadn't been paying any mind to him, busying herself with making sure furuya didn't choke on his rice.

"oi, sawamura." kanemaru looked at the southpaw. "who do you think the captain will be?" katsumi perked up, chewing on her straw as she watched for eijun's answer.

"me..." eijun muttered and katsumi raised an eyebrow.

"huh?!" kanemaru gasped. eijun shot up, slamming his hands on the table.

"i will become the ace!" he yelled, jabbing his thumb at himself and glaring at furuya. "the ace among aces! the king of aces!" the cafeteria went silent at eijun's declaration and katsumi's eyes widened.

"o- oi! sit down!" kanemaru tugged on the boy's shirt. "no one's talking about that right now!" he scowled. eijun kept glaring at furuya, who ignored him and continued chewing on his rice while tapping his foot against katsumi's.

"damn, there's nothing more to do but eat!" eijun yelled. "haruichi, get me rice!!"

"get it yourself." katsumi giggled at haruichi's reply.

"now~ what should i have for dessert~?" eijun grinned maniacally as he shoveled food onto his plate.

"what's up with him?" haruichi wondered aloud. katsumi shrugged and furuya stayed silent, keeping his head down. he looked at katsumi through his lashes and she smiled flirtatiously, making the boy blush a deep red.

"easy there, katsumi-chan." haruichi smiled. katsumi giggled, tapping furuya's feet excitedly. furuya smiled, tapping her feet back. haruichi shook his head at the sound of their shoes hitting each other, barely noticeable over the commotion of the cafeteria.

"miyuki-senpai!" eijun yelled suddenly, rice flying out of his mouth. "can you let me watch the dvd of the finals game later?" katsumi gasped softly, her foot tapping stopping momentarily.

"yeah... alright." kazuya smirked and nodded. "is furuya watching too?" at kazuya's question, furuya tensed up and a dark aura surrounded him as he continued chewing.

'he just needs to fix his lack of stamina and control... staminarol...' katsumi giggled at the word and a few of the first years sitting near them blushed at the noise. furuya glared at them and they looked away quickly.

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