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"i- i- i can walk on my o- own.." katsumi mumbled in kawakami's ear.

"yeah, and then you'll fall over because of your knee." he frowned, hugging her closely as the seidou team left the field.

"l- let me doooown..." katsumi attempted to wrestle herself out of his grip, squeaking when he pretended to drop her.

"senpai!" she whined.




the girl perked up, smiling as she saw three tall boys waving to her. "put me down!" she smacked kawakami's chest. he put her down carefully, wrapping an arm around her back. "kawa- kawakami-senpai..." she pouted.

"us pitchers need to support each other." he smiled down at her, eyes widening at her pouting face. he blushed slightly, rolling his eyes and letting her go. "fine, fine. i'll let you walk." he let the girl limp over to her friends, who ran forward to meet them halfway.

"ah, katsumi-chan..." koushi frowned at the girl. "what happened? is your knee broken?"

"no, just a t- tear." she smiled tiredly.

"this is what happens when you're not careful," daichi scolded, pointing his finger accusingly at katsumi. "what did i tell you when you first got it hurt! you need to be more careful!" she pouted, looking away and tuning him out. "don't ignore me!"

"he... has a point, katsumi-chan." kawakami smiled nervously. she sent him a pointed glare, a fiery aura appearing around her. he jumped, waving his hands. "i- i'm sorry!"

"are you going to be alright? are you playing in the next game? i sure hope not, you need to let your leg heal! you didn't even let it heal properly the first time! and you certainly- ack!" daichi grabbed koushi's hair and pulled his head down, cutting the boy's rant off.

"shut it!" the brunette scolded.

"ah.. i don't th- think i'm playing in the next game." katsumi smiled sadly.

"you're not?" asahi hummed. she shook her head, smile fading. "well.. you'll certainly help your team win nonetheless!" he exclaimed with a grin.

"yeah, katsumi-chan can fire anyone up!" koushi smiled as daichi let his hair go.

"you're a core member of the team, katsumi." kawakami smiled down at her.

"darn tootin she is!" daichi grinned. the other boys deadpanned as katsumi snickered at the boy.

"hey!" the five looked over to jun, who had his hands on his hip. "come on! we gotta get food then watch the inashiro game!"

"bye gu- guys!" katsumi smiled at her friends, waving them off and letting kawakami guide her towards the team, much to her dismay. "i can walk. i'll- i'll just be slow." katsumi huffed quietly. he shook his head, tightening his grip and leading her to furuya.

"hey, furuya." the boy perked up. "can you take her? she'll probably complain less." kawakami smiled teasingly at the girl. she rolled her eyes as furuya replaced kawakami's arm around katsumi. furuya pulled her close to his body, much closer than kawakami had, slowly walking her to the food stands.

"come on, you can continue your gummy bears once you finish your lunch." furuya told the girl, who looked away bashfully. "you ate them all, didn't you?" his lips turned up ever so slightly. she pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes at the boy. "we'll get you more soon, okay? do you want me to carry you?"

katsumi bit her tongue, her brain swinging between answers. she nodded, squeaking as he picked her up bridal style. "sumi! i got you a sandwich!" kazuya smiled, waving a sandwich in the air. katsumi perked up, holding her hand out and smiling as furuya carried her over to the boy. "turkey, lettuce, and tomato. also got some gummy bears from chris, but only for when you're done."

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