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the next day, katsumi was by herself in the weight room. everyone was practicing fielding or batting, but she was doing rehabilitation stretches and exercises. she lay on the floor, slowly raising and lowering her left leg while her right leg was pulled up, foot flat on the ground.

"hey, katsumi." she smiled at akina as she stood over her head. "can we talk?"

"of course." katsumi sat up, taking akina's outstretched hand and standing. "what's up?"

akina leaned against the wall, frowning. "how did you... how did you know you liked furuya?"

katsumi blushed, "in truth... i- i really didn't. it just kind of... happened and before i knew it, i was blushing at the smallest looks and touches..." she trailed off with a smile. "why, do yo- you like someone?"

akina nodded, "i do. i..." she sighed, running her hands over her face.

"what's wrong? you can tell me, it's okay." katsumi smiled and put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"you won't look at me differently?" katsumi shook her head. "i like haruno..." akina crossed her arms, looking down with red cheeks and teary eyes.

"i figured." akina's head shot up. "you two would be cute together." she smiled brightly. "thank you for telling me, though... i appreciate it."

akina smiled, rubbing at her eyes furiously. "now then! get back to stretching! you can't play in koushien if you neglect your knee!" she smacked the back of katsumi's head, earning a whine in response. "back to work, peasant!" katsumi rolled her eyes with a smile, lying back down. "hey... are you alright? about not being able to play tomorrow?"

katsumi frowned at the question, "do you want my honest answer or the one you want to hear?"

"the one i want to hear is the honest one."

"then no. i'm not alright." akina frowned. "i... i want to be on tha- that field. i want to face off with narum- miya. i want to wipe that stu- stupid little smirk off his f- face."

"why do you hate him so much? other than he's an opponent." katsumi shook her head.

"that doesn't matter." she sat up, fiddling with her brace and tightening it. "not anymore." akina opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by the sound of the door sliding open.

"hey, sumi sumi!" kuramochi's voice came from the entrance. "wanna come hang out in miyuki's room?"

"sure." the girl nodded, attempting to stand up by herself. her left knee gave out and she fell against the wall, akina's arms shooting out to support her as kuramochi ran over.

"careful, dumbass!" she scolded, supporting the girl.

"this is why i gave you a piggyback ride earlier." the boy snickered, crouching and making katsumi groan. she climbed onto his back without argument, waving goodbye to a chuckling akina. katsumi sighed and hugged kuramochi tightly, giggling when he struggled to open kazuya's door without dropping her.

"we're here!" he announced after thirty seconds of reaching for the door handle with his fingers.

"you could've just kicked the door with your feet, mochi-sen- senpai." the boy scowled, dropping her on the bed.

"ah, good! we were just about to send eijun and furuya to get drinks!" kazuya smirked, tossing a bag of gummy bears to katsumi.

eijun growled at the boy, before turning to katsumi with a smile. "what do you want, katsumi?" kazuya scowled at the change in aura and tone as katsumi smiled softly.

"i can come and get it." she went to stand, only to be bombarded by 7 boys yelling at her.

"like hell you will!" jun yelled.

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