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the non-regulars all watched as the coach crouched down on the field, the regulars surrounding him. they all hoped that one day they'd be in that circle, listening to the coach talk over plans.

"who are we?" yuki called out when the coach was done speaking, jabbing a thumb at his chest.

"seidou!" the regulars yelled.

"the ones who sweat more than anyone else-"

"the king, seidou!"

"the ones who shed more tears more than anyone else-"


"the ones who love baseball more than anyone else-"


"are you ready to fight?!"


"uwaaah.." katsumi whispered, watching the boys in awe.

"with our school's pride, i'm our hearts we aim for just one thing- owning the nationals! lets go!"

"ooooo!" they all pointed upwards, the non-regulars watching in awe.

"they're aura is completely different!"

"so cool!"

"i've seen them do that cheer on tv and i've really wanted to do it..."

"man, i want to join them soon too!"

"alright, if you want to watch the game, get on the bus!"

many of the non-regulars climbed onto the bus, and katsumi followed, before noticing eijun standing behind. she tilted her head, going over and tugging his sleeve gently. he looked down at the girl, smiling.

"what's up? not gonna come watch us play?" kuramochi called to the first year boy. "even if it's just for observation, won't you watch us play?"

he looked at his roommates, "even when everyone else is off, i have to work..." he grinned. "since i'll never be able to join you guys." kuramochi's eyes widened slightly.

"that's pretty cruel, but... work hard! c'mon, sumi sumi!" the second year waved the girl over. "miyuki wants you to come and watch!" the girl looked up at eijun, who nodded at her. she smiled, nodding and walking over to the bus. kuramochi watched the boy for a moment, before turning back to walk on the bus.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

katsumi sat next to haruno, watching intently as the pitcher from ichidaisan readied himself to throw. he sent the ball flying towards the batter, kazuya, and he swung the bat forward. he smirked as the ball went flying over the fence, and katsumi gasped in excitement.

"woah, it went out!"

"that's the first time i've seen a home run out of the blue with bases loaded!"

"a- amazing! he hit an inside slider that far?!"

"that's miyuki kazuya, right?"

"he's only a second year, and he's the sixth batter, their lineup is terrifying!"

'heh, just like aniki..' katsumi hummed, clapping and watching her brother run around the bases and meet with his teammates at home plate. 'one day, i'll be running those bases.' katsumi thought with a smirk. eventually, the teams switched out so seidou was defending.

"he's running for it! throw to second!" one of the seidou players called as an ichidaisan runner attempted to steal a base. kazuya threw the ball to second, landing in kuramochi's mitt before the runner could even reach him. he pressed his glove against the runner's chest, smirking.

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