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"ah... there! see that boy!" a few girls peeked into furuya's classroom, where the pitcher was holding a book up despite being asleep. "s- somehow he's completely different on the mound.." they sweat dropped. "but he was really amazing.. i'm sure he'll get more attention in the future."

"maybe i'll be cheering for him by myself!" a girl squealed.

"ah, no fair! i had my eyes on him first!" another girl whined. the girls looked at haruichi, who was reading from his book.

"ah.. that boy is number nineteen!"

"cute~ he looks like a girl!"

in another classroom, eijun was asleep and drooling on his desk.

"s- sawamura-kun is making strange noises again!"

"his eyes are open and for some reason he's smiling... ah, the noises changed again."

on the second year floor, kuramochi was holding kazuya by his tie and yelling at the boy. "those two are fighting again?"

"but it's always those two."

"don't they have any friends..?"

in the third year hallway, yuki, masuko, jun, and ryosuke were walking down the hall. "you've got a game tomorrow, right?"

"we'll come to cheer you on once summer vacation starts!"

"tetsu~ hit a home run!"

"masuko's stomach is growling.."

"isashiki, howl!"

"shut up!" the center fielder yelled in response.

"give us your best, baseball club!"

"make it to koushien this year for sure!"

down the hallway, a small first year girl was walking through the third years, holding a pile of books in her arms. "ah, there's that girl on the baseball team!"

"no way.. they really have a girl on the team?"

"yeah, she's miyuki's little sister."

"awh, she's so cute!"

"her chest is quite big.."

"and she's a little chubby, no?"

"ah, but is she really a player?"

"huh? what do you mean?"

"i mean, can she even play?"

"of course she can play!" she jumped at the sudden voice of jun, who appeared behind her.

"did you really think that our coach would put her in such important games if she couldn't?" ryosuke smiled darkly at the boy who'd made the comment. yuki and masuko stood behind them, glaring harshly at the boy.

"idiots, really.." jun muttered, taking some of the books out of katsumi's arms. she hummed quietly, her cheeks as pink as peaches.

"what are you doing up here, katsumi-chan?" masuko looked down at the small girl. she reached into her pocket, pulling out a note and handing it to the boys, who all crowded around each other to read it.

'books for room 309'

"ah, that's where jun and i are." ryosuke smiled as he looked over the note. "follow us." the two walked off, and katsumi followed, waving goodbye to the other third years. as they walked, katsumi wrote in her notepad, clapping softly to make the two turn around. she handed them the note, and jun smirked.

'thank you for sticking up for me :)'

"well, what were we supposed to do?!" he yelled, karate chopping the girl on the head. "idiot.." he muttered.

𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐬.]Where stories live. Discover now