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"good morning!" katsumi greeted furuya, running up next to him and matching his pace.

"morning." he smiled faintly, slowing down to accommodate for her knee.

"you sl- sleep okay?" she gazed up at him with wide eyes.

"mhm." he nodded simply. she smiled, staying silent as they jogged around the field. "hey, you think you could help me stretch before the game later?"

"oh? we have a game?" katsumi looked up at him confusedly.

he chuckled, "yeah, a practice match against saitama sakai."

"oh crap.." she mumbled. "yeah, i can help you stretch. but i gotta stretch, too."

"i can help!" furuya said quickly, cheeks flushing pink.

katsumi giggled, "okay!" she pulled him down by his shirt and pecked his lips lightly, "see you at the game?"

"uh- y- yeah!" he blushed dark red. katsumi giggled, running off. she stopped in place, her heart stopping with her, staring at kazuya with wide eyes.

"sumi." he smiled, scarily calm.

"h- hey, aniki..." she took a slow step backwards.

"why're you backing away, sumi?" he smiled wider. katsumi remained silent, before taking off sprinting. "miyuki katsumi!" he yelled, running after her. due to her injured knee, she was no longer faster than the boy, and he caught up within seconds.

"aniki-!" she squealed as his arms wrapped around her and picked her up. "i'm sorry!"

"what the hell was that?!" he demanded, swinging her around.

"i'm sorry- ah!" kazuya flung her over his shoulder, storming away onto the field. furuya watched with wide eyes, slowly retreating backwards.

"get the hell back here, furuya!" he pointed at the boy accusingly. furuya turned swiftly, sprinting away. kazuya tightened his grip on katsumi, taking off after the pitcher. "your stamina won't last forever!"

furuya managed to run back to the dorms, out of breath from his jogging and escape from kazuya, who was right behind him. "satoru, run!" she squealed. furuya reached for his door, only for kazuya to grab him and drag him off.

"you two are so dead!" he seethed, dragging them to his dorm. he threw furuya on the ground and gently placed katsumi on her feet, frowning at the two. "well?!" he put his hands on his hips, tapping his foot as he waited for an explanation.

"um..." katsumi looked away and furuya deadpanned, sweat dripping down his face. "we uh... we- um.. satoru asked me to be- be his girlfriend three days ago... and we k- kissed..."

kazuya's eyes flashed with anger and furuya hid himself behind katsumi, crouching down behind her and peeking over her shoulder. kazuya pushed katsumi out of the way, grabbing furuya by the front of his shirt.

"aniki!" katsumi squeaked, trying to pull her brother off of furuya.

"i swear to god, furuya. try anything funny and i'll kill you." he seethed, making furuya gulp with fear.

"aniki- he gets it!" katsumi finally pried kazuya's grip off of furuya's shirt. kazuya smiled suddenly, making the two uneasy.

"well, as long as sumi's happy." he pat katsumi's head. "now get the hell out of my room." he smiled wider. katsumi grabbed furuya and ran out of the room, muttering countless apologies to the boy as she dragged him towards the dining hall for breakfast.

"miyuki-senpai's scary.." furuya muttered.

katsumi smiled apologetically, "i'm so sorry, toru." she looked around, before pulling him down again and pecking his lips.

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