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katsumi hummed contently, swinging her legs as she sat at a table in the dining hall. "ah? what's got you so happy, katsumi-chan?" haruichi asked from across the table, chewing his breakfast slowly.

"probably thinking about furuya." eijun teased, mouth full of rice.

katsumi ignored the two, staring at the entrance to the dining hall as furuya walked in. his eyes met hers and she nodded, turning back to her food as he walked over and sat down. once finished, she stood and walked back to her dorm, waving goodbye to the other three first years. her phone buzzed as she walked into her dorm, signaling that she'd gotten a text.

furuya: hey, we still on for today?

sumi: yeah, just need to get ready real quick! :^>

furuya: awesome 🐻‍❄️

katsumi giggled at the emoji, before her heart dropped when she realized she had no idea what to wear.

sumi: help!!

haru: not again...

akina: on my way.

haru: what's wrong?

sumi: clothing emergency! ;~;

haru: i'll leave that to akina, i'm not very good with fashion
haru: good luck with your boyfriend!!

sumi: oh shut it

katsumi jumped at the sound of her doorknob being jiggled. "katsumiiii!" akina's voice came from the other side. she opened the door, akina barreling in. "i'm here to help!" katsumi smiled as the blonde walked in.

akina walked to katsumi's dresser and grabbed some clothes, humming as she did so. she laid them out on the bed, gesturing for katsumi to try it on. the girl nodded, pulling her pajamas off and pulling the outfit on. she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she did so, frowning at the curve of her belly and thighs.

she quickly looked away, then looked back to look at the outfit. she let out a quiet 'ooooh', smiling at the clothes. she had a white t-shirt tucked into jean shorts, a large blue and white flannel covering her.

"ooooh, you look so cute!!" akika gaped at her friend, hugging her. "ah, you should be heading out soon. good luck with furuya, okay?" akina held the girl at arm's length.

"th- thank you!" she squealed, hugging akina tightly once more. "i'll- i'll see you later!" she grabbed her bag and threw her wallet, phone, and journal in it, before tucking her skateboard under her arm and setting out for the boys' dorms. she waved goodbye to akina, smiling gratefully at her. while walking, she sent a quick text to kazuya to tell him she was heading out.

sumi: hey, just wanted to let you know i'm leaving now :^)

kaz: okay, be safe!! and good luck :)

sumi: where's your nose!!! D^:

kaz: >:)

she chewed her lip nervously as she walked to furuya's dorm. 'why am i so anxious... it's just a boy... he's just my teammate...' she knocked at the door, furuya's roommate opening it.

"o- oh, katsumi? what are you doing here?" the boy asked, blushing slightly as katsumi smiled up at him.

"ah, katsumi, i'm ready." furuya squeezed out of the room, leaving his roommates in shock.

"what? where are you going?" one called from inside.

"out." furuya replied bluntly, following the girl out of the dorms and leaving two stunned roommates.

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