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katsumi woke with a start, heart pounding when she found that she was trapped in a tight grip. her nostrils were filled with the scent of coconut and she relaxed slightly, opening her eyes. she slowly looked up, eyes widening as she looked at furuya. she squeaked quietly, closing her eyes again and blushing darkly.

furuya's eyes peeled open slowly, as they usually did in the morning, and he woke with a small groan. he sat there for a few seconds before realizing that he wasn't alone in his bed, and that it wasn't even his bed. "hm." he stared at katsumi for a few seconds, blushing a dark red when she opened her eyes.

"o- oh.. hi." she smiled.

"hello." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes groggily.

"oh, crap!" the girl jerked up into a sitting position. "wh- what time is it?!" furuya turned, looking at her alarm clock.

"5:47." he mumbled, rolling onto his back and throwing his arm over his eyes. "i'll get going soon to get ready..." he peeked over at her, smiling coyly. "you look so cute with your bed head." katsumi rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a smile. "what? i'm just saying." he hummed.

"get the fuck out, satoru." she flicked his forehead.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

katsumi swung swiftly at the ball a second string player threw to her, smirking at the crack of the bat. "nice swing, miyuki-san!" he smiled. katsumi blushed a soft pink, nodding with a hum.

"a curve from the tallest height in japan... i can't really imagine it." jun huffed.

"we didn't even have any practice games against them." ryosuke smiled.

"you idiot!" kazuya scowled at eijun, who'd been sprinting around the field with his trusty tire. "i told you only light training today! listen to me!"

"hyahaha! what a troublesome guy!" kuramochi smiled at the two.

"regulars!" kataoka shouted. "everyone gather at the b grounds! we're doing batting practice against angled pitches!" katsumi perked up, following her teammates to the b grounds.

"uwaaaah~!" katsumi gaped at the taller than usual mound.

"eh? more sand on the mound?" kuramochi's eyes widened.

"imitating maki's bright by raising the mound, huh..." yuki furrowed his eyebrows.

"these guys made the suggestion last night..." kataoka gestured to the second string players. "apparently it took them all night to pile up the mound."

"guys... we also want to be useful to the team!" one of the boys smiled at the first string players. kataoka walked onto the mound, throwing a pitch and smirking at the loud 'smack' from the catcher's mitt.

"okay, who's first?" the coach asked.

"hey! you're pitching, coach?!" kuramochi jumped.

"we can't really have tanba pitch." the coach replied.

"i can hit seriously, then?" yuki asked, serious aura surrounding him.

"well, actually..." kataoka trailed off. "i'd rather have katsumi hit first." the girl tensed up, attempting to hide behind furuya. "don't hide, katsumi. i can still see you." she scowled as furuya side stepped. "you're the shortest on the team, whether this puts you at an advantage or a disadvantage will become clear soon enough." she nodded, pulling her gloves on and picking up a bat.

"hit it, katsumi!"


"no need to hold back!"

𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐬.]Where stories live. Discover now